Guidelines for Product features & Ideation
We are always excited to hear your suggestions and ideas about Bitdefender products and services. To ensure our product developers can use your suggestions, we have a couple of guidelines, to help you get the best out of the Product features & Ideation section: It is essential that all ideas include a user story, that is,…
Block windows telemetry
Hi everyone, Can the ability to block IP addresses be added to the bitdefender firewall and that you can select the windows telemetry to be blocked, this blocklist would then also be auto updated by bitdefender. Or perhaps that you can download your own blocklist from for example GitHub with all the windows telemetry IP…
B.D. Scans should show Estimated time for the scans
If B.D. scans displayed the estimated scan completion time within the scan options (before initiating any scan), it would significantly assist users in scheduling scans according to their convenience. B.D. should continuously estimate the estimated time considering system files to provide users with an accurate prediction…
Feature Request: Device heartbeat on Bitdefender Central from installed clients
Good Day Everyone, I would like to share my idea regarding the feature request where if it is possible to add a way to track if the Bitdefender Client is still installed on the client or if it has been uninstalled. Currently on the Bitdefender Central website, we are able to see the device Vendor, Mac address and know if…
Feature Request: Bitdefender VPN Extension for Seamless Browser Integration
After reviewing various Bitdefender products and finding their capabilities outstanding, I am now focusing on Bitdefender VPN. It is available both as part of the Bitdefender antimalware suite and as a standalone product. I think Bitdefender should create extensions for Chrome, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge Chromium. This…
Settings backup/export/import
In order to avoid problems (including the possibility of bricking my machines) when running updates, especially BIOS, I have to uninstal BitDefender and then reinstall it. It would help if there were a way of exporting all the user-set settings so that they can be imported to the reinstalled BitDefender. If there's a way…
Bitdefender Installation Stop using MAC ADDRESSES MEDIA ACCESS CONTROL as Unique Identifier
I have Desktop Parallels Running Windows 11 ARM on both M1 and M4 Processors. The issue is that Parallels Desktop Assigned the MAC ADDRESS of the Bluetooth Device the same on both computers. bc:9a:78:56:34:12 located in the Device Manager under Microsoft Windows Transceiver Bluetooth Properties. The problem is that the…
Faster USB drive auto scan
Good morning, I suggest the option to have faster automatic scanning of USB drives. USB drives today are large in capacity and as a result can be filled with many small, medium and large files. So if you insert a very large USB drive the scan takes a few minutes and consequently before removing it you have to wait for the…
Bitdefender total security scroll bar change
Hi everyone, It would be great if the scroll bar on the right side of the bitdefender interface window in windows would be a little thicker, this would make it easier for to grab it with the touchpad on laptops. Thx
Scans Should ask to put the same passwords for all of the password protected files
Bitdefender Scans Should ask to put the same passwords for all of the password protected files, if the user need to scan password protected files at the same time of scanning & have the same password for em he should be able to do so, to ve a piece of mind. currently bitdefender is missing on that feature. Why skip…
Bitdefender vpn's location spoofing
The vpn should contain '' location spoofing '' ability to stop java revealing the real location. Tests were performed on https://www.browserscan.net/ its hiding the ip but revealing the real time & location which is a major draw back in security & privacy.. Double-hop vpn feature was used to perform this test.
About Bitdefender Forum
There is no place to report a bug or suggest a feature about our beloved bitdefender's forum. There should be a Specific Place among the above about that.
RSS feed for BitDefender blog?
Hi BitDefenders, Could you please add RSS feed to your blog at https://www.bitdefender.com/blog? I follow you and would like to add this blog to my feed reader. Thank you! Best wishes, P.S. I hope this is the right place for this question.
Notification improvements
Hi, It would be nice if the current notification style can be tweaked to have an inproved look and experience for users. Maybe add a bit of transparancy and make it more appealing
How do I remove all passwords.
Surely there is a better way to remove passwords in bulk instead of one at a time and going around circles trying to find an answer
Safepay Bookmarks: Sort By Name Or Drag And Drop Them Into Their Preferred Sequence
Hello, As I add bookmarks to Safepay, they are displayed in the sequence that they are added, so last-added bookmark appears last in the list. After a while, with more bookmarks added, it becomes difficult to locate a bookmark Could the developers offer a sort option to sort by name? I could then rename each bookmark with…
Who wants to use Bitdefender Premium VPN services on Apple TV?
I recently switched from an Android based mediacenter (Nvidia Shield TV) to the recent Apple TV 4K 2022 model. Because I'd like to view films and series which are not available in my region I'd like to use the Bitdefender Premium VPN services on my Apple TV as I used it on my Shield TV before. Unfortunately the BD-VPN app…
Split Tunneling in Games!
I play so many games, but I have to disconnect the vpn. I hope bitdefender have the option to select the game to split tunneling.
Make Bitdefender Popups Immune to Accidental Keyboard Presses
I'm not sure if I'm posting this in the correct place, as it is not technically a bug nor a security risk, but I do think it's something that can be easily improved by the dev team as part of the Bitdefender user experience. As a DB user, I have firewall alerts turned on, so I always get the regular allow/deny question…
Mac version see what is being scanned
Bitdefender should have the ability to see what Drives, Folders and files are being scanned in Realtime to determine which drives and files should be excluded. I have several drives that I use for backup with a program called SuperDuper and I would like to ensure they are not being scanned in order to speed up my computer…
Detailed information about issues and errors in central
Hi everyone, I have received my defenders of the month reward but this always causes a sync issue with my devices, mostly this fixes itself after a few hour but I do have to sometimes relog the device manually. Now all but one of my devices have correctly synced and are back in the green in central but one still has the…
Shutdown option for Full Scan
I'd like to see a 'Shutdown' tickbox to force a PC to shutdown after a Full Scan. Maybe another option to shutdown if no issues are found. Apologies if this has already been requested but I couldn't find anything similar after a quick search.
Vpn should show Latency + Load on vpn servers
If VPN providers could display the load and latency of each virtual location, it would be much easier to select the optimal location for a faster connection, reducing the need for multiple connection attempts to different servers. i think cyber ghost vpn has this option.
Like , insightful buttons on bitdefender's forum
Previously Like/dislike/off topic/insightful options should be highlighted to avoid mistakenly clicking on the same button again. As there are several threads it can make a confusion.
Bitdefender updater control
Hi everyone, Would it be possible to have an updater control feature that gives the user control over what updates are installed and what updates are not. For example lets say there's a new version of bitdefender but this new version has a bug, to prevent this new version from being installed you would have to disable the…
Vpn's visual
Printing in Safepay - PDF printing now available
I am very annoyed that I can't print to a PDF file and I can't change printers when I want to print. This restriction is making me think that I've chosen the wrong product. If this is not "fixed" when my renewal comes around, I will go elsewhere for my online security.
Add Linux Support to the Home User Product
Title pretty much says it all. Support the major Linux Distributions in your Home User product. Give us at least some basic AV and Malware/Root Kit protection such that we can see our Linux machines in the dashboard.
Password Manager: Allow generated password to be copied
When providing a password to logon to a new site, Password Manager has a useful feature to generate a strong password for you - BUT I DON'T use it! Because I can't find a way to copy the password to clipboard, and password manager doesn't always recognise the logon and offer to save it, which then leaves me with a new…
Save history password change in SecurePass
Hello all, sometimes can happen that a change password does not work correctly and the new password has saved in the SecurePass but not in the site. This is a bad situation becouse you can't retry with the old password. I'd like to have an history of old passwords also in the BitDefender SecurePass as in PasswordManager…
Filtering notifications by type
In Bitdefender Total Security notifications can filter by importance (critical/warning/informational), but it would be useful if they could be filtered by category as well, such as, network, camera, scan results, malware detection etc. For example, if you want to see the history of computer scans, you must scroll through…