Block windows telemetry
Hi everyone, Can the ability to block IP addresses be added to the bitdefender firewall and that you can select the windows telemetry to be blocked, this blocklist would then also be auto updated by bitdefender. Or perhaps that you can download your own blocklist from for example GitHub with all the windows telemetry IP…
Bitdefender Installation Stop using MAC ADDRESSES MEDIA ACCESS CONTROL as Unique Identifier
I have Desktop Parallels Running Windows 11 ARM on both M1 and M4 Processors. The issue is that Parallels Desktop Assigned the MAC ADDRESS of the Bluetooth Device the same on both computers. bc:9a:78:56:34:12 located in the Device Manager under Microsoft Windows Transceiver Bluetooth Properties. The problem is that the…
Bitdefender vpn's location spoofing
The vpn should contain '' location spoofing '' ability to stop java revealing the real location. Tests were performed on https://www.browserscan.net/ its hiding the ip but revealing the real time & location which is a major draw back in security & privacy.. Double-hop vpn feature was used to perform this test.
RSS feed for BitDefender blog?
Hi BitDefenders, Could you please add RSS feed to your blog at https://www.bitdefender.com/blog? I follow you and would like to add this blog to my feed reader. Thank you! Best wishes, P.S. I hope this is the right place for this question.
Make Bitdefender Popups Immune to Accidental Keyboard Presses
I'm not sure if I'm posting this in the correct place, as it is not technically a bug nor a security risk, but I do think it's something that can be easily improved by the dev team as part of the Bitdefender user experience. As a DB user, I have firewall alerts turned on, so I always get the regular allow/deny question…
Mac version see what is being scanned
Bitdefender should have the ability to see what Drives, Folders and files are being scanned in Realtime to determine which drives and files should be excluded. I have several drives that I use for backup with a program called SuperDuper and I would like to ensure they are not being scanned in order to speed up my computer…
Detailed information about issues and errors in central
Hi everyone, I have received my defenders of the month reward but this always causes a sync issue with my devices, mostly this fixes itself after a few hour but I do have to sometimes relog the device manually. Now all but one of my devices have correctly synced and are back in the green in central but one still has the…
Bitdefender updater control
Hi everyone, Would it be possible to have an updater control feature that gives the user control over what updates are installed and what updates are not. For example lets say there's a new version of bitdefender but this new version has a bug, to prevent this new version from being installed you would have to disable the…
Notification improvements
Hi, It would be nice if the current notification style can be tweaked to have an inproved look and experience for users. Maybe add a bit of transparancy and make it more appealing
Save history password change in SecurePass
Hello all, sometimes can happen that a change password does not work correctly and the new password has saved in the SecurePass but not in the site. This is a bad situation becouse you can't retry with the old password. I'd like to have an history of old passwords also in the BitDefender SecurePass as in PasswordManager…
Add DNS address inside the vpn to let us compare it with dns checker sites results
There's no definitive way to confirm whether Bitdefender VPN exposes users' DNS information. Users lack visibility into their actual DNS provider and cannot cross-reference it with the DNS addresses shown in DNS leak tests. To address this uncertainty, please provide the specific DNS addresses utilized by Bitdefender VPN…
Vpn should show Latency + Load on vpn servers
If VPN providers could display the load and latency of each virtual location, it would be much easier to select the optimal location for a faster connection, reducing the need for multiple connection attempts to different servers. i think cyber ghost vpn has this option.
Context Menu icon improvement
as title. The current context menu icon got a white border around it like the image below. as an OCD person, I was wondering if the white border could got fixed. Thanks.
Vpn is showing a wrong location
Vpn is showing a wrong location on the map , plz fix it.
Vpn's visual
Bitdefender Parental Controls
Bitdefender Parental Controls has limited functionality, particularly in blocking adult content. Kaspersky Safe Kids, while not perfect, offers more robust protection in this area. I suggest improving Bitdefender's performance in this sense.
Resetting of the Forgotten Password of bitdefender
Bitdefender's Master Password section should include a security question backup option to reset forgotten passwords. This would eliminate the need for a full software reinstallation and reconfiguration, especially for users with slow internet connections. It should inform the user automatically to reinstall the software to…
Gravity Security Management Screen
Regarding the subject matter, I would like the management console to be multilingual.
Resetting of bitdefender should not need re-installation of the product
Bitdefender Password Protection should offer a password reset option for home users, similar to the feature available for business accounts. This is crucial because downloading and re-configuring the entire product in case of a forgotten password can be time-consuming and inconvenient, especially for users with slow or…
Internet traffic display
Hi everyone, I would l like to be able to see the internet traffic in the app, be able to see exactly how much traffic is sent and received and what apps are connecting and how much traffic each app is sending and receiving. Having this displayed in the bitdefender widget and be to be able to expand the widget to see more…
Identity Theft Protection - Social Media - Add New Option
There is no option to show that a user does not have one or more of the social media accounts listed. Therefore, a user can never achieve 100 percent score on the recommended actions. Each social media account listed needs an option to show if there is no account.
Option to install/run unfamiliar app in bitdefender
There should be an option to install & run an unfamiliar app with bitdefender in the highest secure environment to let it not start any kind of malicious activity. Avast had this option but do not copy it cuz that's not much worthy in my opinion. If the installation option is not possible then at least there should be an…
Confirm new password when changing account password
The page to change the Bitdefender account password when managing the Bitdefender account should have another field to confirm the new password value. Having only one field for the new password could have users changing the password to something different than they wanted and possibly locking themselves out of their…
Driver Updater + Bitdefender Browser + internet download manager
Bitdefender Should ve it's own driver updater like many other top notch security solutions e.g. avast one . it's pretty hard to find each driver from it's parent website as other sources can not be considered as safe. 2. If bitdefender can offer a free secure browser as a part of bitdefender along with ad blocking and…
Bit Defender Widget Replacement
The bitdefender widget can not be seen when the user is doing any usual activity ( surfing the web, doing work or playing games even in a windowed screen ) As it is very Essential to keep an eye on it to get informed that it's scanning in which means , i ld like to suggest avast anti virus type icon , which rolls itself…
System & Rescue Enviroment Scans are Missing a Feature
Hi! i do not see a '' Root it scan '' feature in system scan & rescue scan even rescue scan is performed in a crucial environment specially when windows normal start up becomes impossible , why this important scan type is missing in this special environment ? bit users can only avail this kind of scan by using a custom…
Should Bitdefender for iOS have a separate Traffic Light extension?
Do you also find that Bitdefender should have a separate iOS Traffic Light extension just like MacOS has? In my opinion the Bitdefender web protection feature isn't stable enough, because it may fall prey to disconnects. This leaves your search results unprotected when you don't notice it.
Suggested Additions to the Managing Exceptions Feature
All my PCs have an administrative account but I do all my work from a regular user account. Switching back and forth from a regular user account to an administrative account to manage exceptions is possible but I consider it a moderate nuisance. Please add the ability to manage exceptions from a regular user account. If…
Ignore patches for entire product
Hello, I like the ignore patch feature, it is useful if we've experienced a troublesome version. However, I would like to exclude an entire product / series of patches, instead of havign to manually ignore each patch when it appears in the list. This would be useful if we want to keep using BitDefender Gravityzone patch…
Bitdefender needs a way to terminate a scan
I have two disks that are normally connected to my system. I removed them temporarily while diagnosing a software problem.When I reconnected them after a restart, Bitdefender started scanning them. That scanning that is not needed because the disks had been under BD's care continually since BD was installed. That scanning…