Sms/phone Call Detail

edited January 2022 in Parental Control

I see the SMS and Phone Call filters available in the Parental Controls but how do you associate with a device? I have BD2013 for Android on three phones.

Anyway, I can't see how I associate a user under parental control with the device. Is there a simple way of doing it?


  • I worked with Braiden on a chat session. What has to happen is that you need to install the Android BitDefender Parental Control App, then you'll

    have the device show up so you can associate the profile with the device. Once I did that the Android phone showed up and then I could associate it with the profile.

  • I worked with Braiden on a chat session. What has to happen is that you need to install the Android BitDefender Parental Control App, then you'll

    have the device show up so you can associate the profile with the device. Once I did that the Android phone showed up and then I could associate it with the profile.

    Well it's working on my HTC EVO but not my kid's Samsung Epic. Ticket opened..