Product Update

When wi'll the product update will be released for the Dutch version because the Dutch version is still running on the 1406 version for a long time how is this possible and when will you release the latest versions in Dutch??? We also want the bugs fixes in our versions.




  • When wi'll the product update will be released for the Dutch version because the Dutch version is still running on the 1406 version for a long time how is this possible and when will you release the latest versions in Dutch??? We also want the bugs fixes in our versions.



    Come on Christian or sombody from Bitdefender give me a anwser!!

  • I agree with that,still stuck at 1406.

    Since we paid for our product we should be getting the same updates.

    It shouldn't be that hard.

  • rootkit
    rootkit ✭✭✭

    Hello :)

    The build will be released soon on all the localizations. For now, it was only released in EN and DE.

    I will let you know when it will be synced on the update servers.

    Thank you for your patience.

  • Hello :)

    The build will be released soon on all the localizations. For now, it was only released in EN and DE.

    I will let you know when it will be synced on the update servers.

    Thank you for your patience.

    You told me that a few ago also with a other build but i never got that one too so is there a date this time.

  • Hello :)

    The build will be released soon on all the localizations. For now, it was only released in EN and DE.

    I will let you know when it will be synced on the update servers.

    Thank you for your patience.

    hope it gets updated soon,thanks

  • rootkit
    rootkit ✭✭✭

    Hello :)

    The Dutch build is scheduled for next week, most likely it will launched Friday.

    Thank you for your patience.

  • Hello :)

    The Dutch build is scheduled for next week, most likely it will launched Friday.

    Thank you for your patience.

    Thank you for a release date i hope it will be released then.



  • rootkit
    rootkit ✭✭✭

    Hello :)

    You will be the first one to know when the sync process will start on our servers.

    Take care.

  • Hello :)

    You will be the first one to know when the sync process will start on our servers.

    Take care.


    It is now Sunday and i am still running the 406 version off Bitdefender interent security 2013 when will the 534 version be released now then???

    Please answer back.



  • Christian,

    It is now Sunday and i am still running the 406 version off Bitdefender interent security 2013 when will the 534 version be released now then???

    Please answer back.



    Again Bitdefender where is youre support too give a answer back too us or you can just close this forum when you don't help people.

  • Hello :)

    You will be the first one to know when the sync process will start on our servers.

    Take care.


    I will never believe these people. All they do is making you wait and make you going through hoops that never resolve.

  • rnuis
    edited November 2012

    Yeah too bad such a great product and such BAD support when the support wi'll be better it is the best product bud then they need more people too hel and not only Christian i think because he almost never anwsers back :-(

  • I doubt we will get the updates the people overseas get.

    I used Bitdefender 2011 for 2 years and never got any updates beyond the normal ones.

    My engine never updated,guess it will be the same this time too.

    Too bad,it IS a good product,but i cannot understand why it is so difficult to get EVERYONE the same updates.

    In the end,it's the same product we are all using.

    But i don't hold high hopes,i hope i'm proven wrong.

  • rootkit
    rootkit ✭✭✭


    First of all I will like to apologies for this situation.

    The initial ETA for the update release was that Friday but it was rescheduled because our developers want to migrate all the localizations directly to 16.23.****** that should be release these days.

    A new ETA for this will be provided soon.

    Have a great day!

  • Hello,

    First of all I will like to apologies for this situation.

    The initial ETA for the update release was that Friday but it was rescheduled because our developers want to migrate all the localizations directly to 16.23.****** that should be release these days.

    A new ETA for this will be provided soon.

    Have a great day!

    So there wi'll be a update too a New version one off these days if i am wright then?? I hope these arn't answers too give the Bitdefender people some hope but that it is realy true then.



  • AstroMax
    edited October 2012

    If this may help, here is my list of "open problems":

    - (User) settings are forgotten on reboot, especially FW ones. This happens on my 64 bits machines.

    - laptop mode does not turn on booting with batteries. This happens on my 64 bits machines.

    - one cannot use Windows restore points without uninstalling BD.

    - some programs do not run properly, even if excluded from scan

    - if you try to restore a "virus" file from quarantine, it is quarantined again

    My two cents....

  • rootkit
    rootkit ✭✭✭

    Hello Max :)

    We are aware of those situations and our developers are currently working on a fix.

    I will let you know which ones will be resolved in 16.23.******

    Take care.

  • If this may help, here is my list of "open problems":

    - (User) settings are forgotten on reboot, especially FW ones. This happens on my 64 bits machines.

    - laptop mode does not turn on booting with batteries. This happens on my 64 bits machines.

    - one cannot use Windows restore points without uninstalling BD.

    - some programs do not run properly, even if excluded from scan

    - if you try to restore a "virus" file from quarantine, it is quarantined again

    My two cents....

    The above highlighted is one of my main issues too (let alone the others on your list). I found it frustrating when attempting my latest system restore.

  • rootkit
    rootkit ✭✭✭
    edited October 2012

    Hello :)

    Bitdefender 2013 for Dutch market was uploaded on the server and the sync process has started.

    You will get the update in maximum 24 hours.

    Take care.

  • Hello :)

    Bitdefender 2013 for Dutch market was uploaded on the server and the sync process has started.

    You will get the update in maximum 24 hours.

    Take care.

    I can confirm the update worked.

    Thanks Christian and the BD team,great job! :)

  • I can confirm the update worked.

    Thanks Christian and the BD team,great job! :)

    I also can confirm that i got it , i hope the updats will come faster then it was now but thank you Bitdefender.

  • It has been released for Brazil?

  • rootkit
    rootkit ✭✭✭

    Hello :)

    All localizations will be migrated to build .23 very soon.

    Thank you for your patience.

    Have a great day!

This discussion has been closed.