Received a weird privacy threat warning.

Apparently my unencrypted password was about to be sent on/from a sketchy Russian credit card stealing site. My first layer of confusion is: I definitely do not have an account on a sketchy Russian credit card stealing site. Is Bitdefender talking about password of mine being sent on/from sketchy Russian credit card stealing site? If so, how? I'm not using the password manager. Second layer of confusion is that I don't have a credit card.

I'm left with three possible conclusions, I'd like to know which of these ya'll think is most likely:

1. Info related to my non-existent credit card (or some other banking detail) in the form of a password was stolen and is being sold on this site and Bitdefender somehow knows.

2. Someone is using my PC or (more likely [in the sense of it being feasible somehow, I'm not clear on whether/how it would work technically] my IP) to register on sketchy Russian credit card stealing sites and the password they used is being sent somewhere by aforementioned sketchy Russian credit card stealing site. 

3. It's a weird false positive.

I'd also love to hear suggestions on what to do for each of these if anyone has them. 
