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False Positive on our software

edited September 2020 in False positive reporting

Original Issue: The installation process was halted by Bitdefender and our software was marked as 'Malware'. If we disabled the Advanced Threat Defence, the installation proceed without issue. After this our software ran normally, even when Advanced Threat Defence was enabled again.

First Resolution: We had gone through a support ticket in June of this year to get the false-positive removed. We were told on Jun 6, 2020 that it will be removed, and then it was.

Issue Now: The false positive is now back again. Nothing has changed on the installation file

Question: Please let us know what do we need to do to get this fixed again?

Note: There has been no update to the installation file. What we don't get is what's wrong with Bitdefender? Our installation file, the related installation files, the executable of the software, and related executables, all are signed using our EV digital signature. That is what MS says an application should have to verify itself. Why does Bitdefender takes an EV singed installation file and thinks its 'Malware'?

Edit: Files uploaded using Bitdefender Compression Tool:
