

  • Yep, there's a nag screen all right. A message pops up every few minutes or so saying: Your copy of BitDefender is about to expire! I wish that BitDefender shouldn't advertise the Free Edition as something free at all. It just becomes an extra trial edition aside from the regular Evaluation version they allow for download.…
  • All good, Cris. I appreciate your help. Someone from BitDefender responded to my email (after about two days) and they sent me a serial key for the free version. Actually, I didn't know previously that you use this serial key to enter into the 'Register' panel because the Register panel says something like: 'You are about…
  • Ditto, Cris. We need the blind to lead the blind I suppose. I repeat: I just sent an email to No license forthcoming. No response, nada, zilch, nay, nani mo nai. So how do I renew the license?
  • Hello. I just installed BitDefender 8 (Free) just now but it says 'This version of BitDefender has expired!' I just sent an email to to request for a new license. How do I renew my license? Thanks.
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