1 min read

Anonymous OS Review. Possible Incompatibility With ... Your Freedom.

Bogdan Botezatu

March 15, 2012

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Anonymous OS Review. Possible Incompatibility With ... Your Freedom.

If you’re into operating systems or underground security news, you have probably seen the Anonymous OS available on SourceForge, the highly popular open source software repository.

This unexpected Ubuntu-based operating system is all-Anonymous: wallpapers and boot screens loaded with stylish pictures of the Guy Fawkes mask are just half of the Anonymous brand. The bad half is loaded with cracking or “Å“pen-testing”(to put it more nicely) applications.

Here is a short rundown of the OS: Anonymous HOIC (the custom version of the Low Orbit Ion Canon used to stress servers past their point of failure), Pyloris and Sloloris (two applications that initiate slow connections with the server to fill their connection table and incapacitate it from serving new requests), Tor’s Hammer (Slow POST denial of service testing tool), SQLMap and Havji (for advanced automated SQL injections a la Anonymous), Admin Finder and John the Ripper (account cracking utilities), Tor and Vidalia (for connecting via anonymous proxy servers) and much, much more.

Although the Anonymous OS is basically Ubuntu 11.10 preloaded with stress tools and cracking applications, some of the goodies delivered in the package are illegal in some jurisdictions and might violate many corporate security policies. Last but not least, given the high-profile arrests of recent days, you might want to stick with something less controversial, so, if you need a little spice in your OS life, why don’t you try the upcoming Ubuntu 12.04 (now beta) or the much-anticipated Windows 8 Beta instead?



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