2 min read

BitDefender weekly review

Bogdan Botezatu

September 04, 2009

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BitDefender weekly review

The website
contains information about the romanian celebrity “Elena Udrea”, hence the name
of the backdoor: Udrea – Ardu (udrea in reverse without the e). A comment
string inside the backdoors’ code also shows the romanian origin of the malware
writer. It reads: “link important de tinut sus” which translates to “important
link to be held online”.



small downloader is written in VBS and is embedded in websites to infect users.
When it receives control, it will attempt to download 4 files from the
following location: http://love[removed].org/css. The files being downloaded

AutoCfg.exe – infected, detected by BitDefender as Backdoor.Ardu.A

Instexnt.exe, Autoexnt.exe, Servmess.dll – clean files, used for running
scripts before a user logs on

downloading these files, it will attempt to install the AutoExNT service and it
will create the file  AutoExNT.bat, where
the infected application (AutoCfg.exe) will be listed. This way, the malware
will be execute after every reboot, even if there is no user logged on that



backdoor will most likely end up on a system after being downloaded by other
malware (ie: Trojan.Downloader.VBS.DA) under the name
This is nothing but a big executable that carries inside its overlay a Ruby
interpreter together with several runtime libraries it will need for running
the infected script. After getting executed, it will drop all these files
inside %temp% and execute them. The malware script will perform the following
– retrieve local computer name
– retrieve local user name
– retrieve victims IP address
– retrieve a file (ip.txt) from the following URL:
http://www.run[removed].com/examples/ip.txt, which contains (as its name says)
an IP address
– will connect to the IP address on port 2009
– will send the data gathered about the victim (ip address, computer name, user
– will listen for commands that an attacker may send; If the command contains
“Goodbye”, the session will be closed; any other command will be
appended to the file %windir%system32AutoCfg.bat (created by the malware)


The bat
file and the backdoors executable are registered to run at every system

in this article is available courtesy of BitDefender virus researcher: Lutas
Andrei Vlad



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