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Get Your Free Copy of the Top 100 Removal Tool for October Now!

Bogdan Botezatu

November 07, 2011

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Get Your Free Copy of the Top 100 Removal Tool for October Now!

The October release detects and eliminates the most important 100 infections registered in October, such as Win32.Worm.Downadup, Exploit.CplLnk, the Sality and Win32.Ramnit families of file infectors, as well as a wide range of Adware and Java exploits.

We also added detection for high-profile malware, such as TDSS and the notorious Duqu.

For a full list of detections, please read the description of the Top 100 Removal Tool for October in the download page.

The removal tools can be downloaded from the Malware City Downloads area by clicking on one of the links below:

Download the Top 100 Removal Tool for October (32-bit version)

Download the Top 100 Removal Tool for October (64-bit version)

The Top 100 Removal Tool for October is available courtesy of Gabriel Ciubotaru, Bitdefender malware researcher.



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