2 min read

The Spam Omelette #40

Bogdan Botezatu

September 02, 2009

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The Spam Omelette #40

in review: August 26 – September 2

Spam Omelette 40


get your money

Ranking first in this week’s issue of the Spam Omelette, the
word PLEASE is associated with a lottery scam announcing the victim that they
have allegedly won the great prize in the UK Lottery (roughly about 700,000
pounds). In order to get the money, the recipient is advised to contact the
scammer via a Yahoo! Email address and to provide sensitive information about
their banking accounts and credentials. This is how victims can become
practically poor from soon-to-be millionaires.

please 4

here to become her hero

The word CLICK has been identified especially in messages
advertising Canadian Pharmacy products. The message is based on a legitimate
newsletter template modified to include a link to an external picture with the
products and pricing.

click spam 7

scams lurking in the inbox

Ranking third in the Spam Omelette top, the word EMAIL has
been encountered especially in a spam wave announcing recipients that they are
eligible to receive a prize. All that the scammer asks is to “confirm” the
personal address and phone number via phone or email.

email spam

4. The
BANK of Ghana is calling you

This week’s newcomer, the word BANK has been identified by
the BitDefender spam researchers in a wave of messages laying the ground for a
classical Nigerian scam. The sender – mrs. Grace Akpan – tells the sad story of
her husband, who left roughly $10 million dollars in a Ghana Bank account. As
usually, the victim has to respond with an e-mail and make an advance payment
representing account fees and transfer taxes.

bank spam

spam back in charts

Even though school hasn’t started yet, spammers are already
on the lookout for new diploma customers who may want to skip the hard part of
getting a university degree. The good part is that for a couple of bucks,
you’ll get your diploma. The downside is that it would be as good as the on
drawn on cardboard by your children.

diploma spam



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