Autorun Variant
Please check this variant that is not detected by Bitdefender, pass: infected, here is virustotal report: http://www.virustotal.com/es/analisis/c864...49c225265ca32d6 Thanx /applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=2778" data-fileid="2778" rel="">taskmngr.rar
Algssl.exe Positive Or False
This file me him they recognize as any antivirus viruses but bit defender I need to know if it is a virus in truth the password it is virus thank /applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=2320" data-fileid="2320" rel="">algssl.rar
Sal.xls.exe Positive Or False
This file me him they recognize as any antivirus viruses but bit defender I need to know if it is a virus in truth the password it is virus tnank... /applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=2319" data-fileid="2319" rel="">sal.xls.rar
Virus El Amor Ayuda...
aqui les dejo el virus compactado la clave del archivo .rar es virus el bit defender no me lo detecta como puedo hacerlo llegar a las lista de ellos para que lo agreguen bueno un saludos a todos y gracias...