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  • 77 Views and no reply? Am I the only one with this issue? I just tried it on my thumbdrive with 7 files on it. The scan took 1 second.
  • i just installed bitdefender free antivirus last night, now when im back using my computer it keep saying updating for about 2 hours and slowing my internet although not really much but i cant play any online games since its bit laggy because the packetloss. are anyone know how to fix this updating issue?…
  • Hi, Is there any way to Manual update of virus Definations for Bitdefender Antivirus Free Edition? Thk I don't think there is.
  • I got this from a post about Process Explorer. Private Bytes refers to the amount of Page file space that is allocated to the process (not necessarily used) in the event that the process's private memory footprint is completely paged out to swap. most of the time, the process is not entirely (or at all) page-file resident,…
  • It's Sysinternals Process Explorer. Another data point is that the default Task Manager was showing roughly "Physical Memory: 80%" while gzserv was running. After uninstallation (which killed the service) lowered the number to reasonable ~35%. I don't remember exact figures. It's obviously not intended behaviour, which is…
  • Note that my screenshot is showing that it uses 8GB for the private working set, so the physical memory is exclusivly reserved for the process. Page file is irrelevant, since I don't use one. Starting a memory hungry game made Windows warn about low memory usage, and I can't even remember the last time that happened. I was…
  • Mine went up to a tad under 3GB during idle. No active scan whatsoever. What would seem the problem with Bitdefender Free? It shows right in that picture that 5GB of your installed 8GB of physical memory was in use by everything running and gzserv only using 46mb of that. That commit number is irrelevant. It is virtual…
  • I don't understand the problem. On my system running 8.1 64 bit, gzserv.exe idles at between 1.6mb and 19mb of memory used. It drops as low as 156kb but then jumps back up to 7mb. During a full scan it went up to 225mb and then dropped back down. I find it to be extremely light. CPU usage during the full scan never topped…
  • I was wondering why I was low on memory. Turns out gzserv was hogging 8GB of RAM. I don't understand the problem. On my system running 8.1 64 bit, gzserv.exe idles at between 1.6mb and 19mb of memory used. It drops as low as 156kb but then jumps back up to 7mb. During a full scan it went up to 225mb and then dropped back…
  • I don't have any reference to BitDefender AVC HV anywhere in my device manager either. It may be a hardware (motherboard) specific thing. After some research it seems that the problem can occur because of an incompatibility with Malwarebytes Pro or on a system that has a more than 4 core CPU. It also appears to be specific…
  • Maybe this post applies but I think it is for a different edition (version) of Bitdefender®. In a nutshell (with some adjustments for Bitdefender Antivirus Free Edtion): * Uninstall the software with the proper uninstall tool (you can find in in this post or here, but this is a direct link). * Remove the bad references…
  • I have not seen a single ad or suggestion to upgrade since I started using the free version.
  • Those checkmarks are definitely not coming from BD Free.
  • Hey Ro, how are you ? Ok, the icon is in the tray, BD says I'm protected and everything seems to be working except scanning the file. I right click, choose the scan with BD then nothing. The way it works is kind of complicated. You do not get a window like was shown. What happens is this. You choose to scan a file. An on…
    dans File Scanning Commentaire de dch48 janvier 2015
  • Is there any options yet for bit defender free version? My computer keeps shutting off at around 7:20am every morning because of auto scans. You have the option to shut off the auto scans so that doesn't happen. I have never used auto scans in any AV I have ever used. They're useless 99.99% of the time.
  • From the web page. Okay, it's recommended that you have those specs. However, nowhere does it say that it will use that much of either resource and actually, it never does. It doesn't even come close.
  • I'm running it on a Vista machine with 2gb RAM and it does fine. How it would do with only 1, I don't know.
  • Since the installation of Bitdefender time to time I have two EICAR test files that are created in the temp folder of W7 64 bits. Is there a way to inhibt this functionality? It is a no use feature that can only generate false alarms. That is very strange behavior. I have never seen it myself.
    dans Eicar Test Files Commentaire de dch48 janvier 2015
  • Even though Bitdefender Free AV looks light and simple to the user, it does require 1 GB of hard drive space and 1 GB of ram. Kind of high for a free AV. That said, I`m using and liking it so far. I`m running Windows 7 with 3GB ram and it runs fine. Where do you get that it needs 1gb of HDD space and 1gb of RAM? It doesn't…
  • Uppdate One file "could not be scanned due to insufficient privileges", I moved that file to an usb and did an other scan. Now the "Infected items detected" became 0. But how can a file that not could be scaned render "65 infected items"? That makes no sense. Maybe it's a compressed archive that contains 65 files?
  • Are those machines on the same network? Yes, they are. They also have 3 different Windows versions, Vista, 7, and 8.1. Also, one connects wirelessly, the others are wired. Through the same router.
  • mahks: Can a single account be used to log-in more than one computer with Bitdefender Antivirus Free Edition?[/indent]--graciliano Absolutely it can. I have it installed on 3 machines , all using the same account login.
  • I would like to know specifically about the test in 2013, which you mentioned. Bitdefender rarely gives his free antivirus test lab. The free edition may not be the one tested but Bitdefender says all of their products protect against the same threats.
  • Events order is wrong by DATE 11/11/2014. Any solution? I have noticed this too but didn't think it was a major concern.
    dans Order Of Events Commentaire de dch48 novembre 2014
  • I think BD is just busy with other projects or maybe it's something else. But yes, I agree this lacks features when compared to other security software. It doesn't really lack features. What it lacks is the ability to configure most of it's features. That's not a problem for me.
  • Try to download a malicious file on your computer with this antivirus and see how long the antivirus detects the file as malicious. It will be much longer than with other antivirus products. The same thing happens if you want to scan the same malicious file. It is the merit of the clouds, which is not too quick. P.S. I…
  • Hi, I cannot find where to download the Free Edition anywhere!!!! I can only find to download trials. Every time I go to this link: And click on "Find out more" it just goes back onto the main page. So I guess some time ago there was a free version, but now there isn't…
  • Hiya again, I have just switched to IE 11 to try it out and am using it for this post. I was assuming that you were using Firefox (my default browser) as IE is one I try to avoid, but IE is working for me as it has just word wrapped in the reply box. Ro. Well that is really strange since it doesn't wrap for me and this is…
  • Okay, I found that it only happens in IE 11, which is and will continue to be, my default browser. The word wrap does work in Chrome. This needs to be fixed for IE.
  • Hiya, Text wrapping is where the text wraps around images, as the images here are generally as attachments there is no need for it. Unless you mean word wrap that breaks a word at the end of a line and moves it down to continue the paragraph, then this forum does most certainly support it as you can see from my attachment.…