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  • Hi, I've done those steps you mentioned above, but the problem is still there... Is there an answer to this issue ? Have the same problem as reported in post: Thanks...TRinAZ
    dans Portscan Detected ? Commentaire de trinaz août 2011
  • Same here...tried my 1st Full Scan last night and had to cancel it after almost 3 hours...was only about 1/2 through the system...used to take less than 2 hours under BDIS 2011 TiminAZ Left the Full System Scan start early this is the log from tonight after returning home: [-]Advanced Scan time: 12: 41: 23…
  • Never mind...after many many web searches on this...I found that "sometimes" a re-image of a drive may cause some permissions to change in Win 7 ? Don't know why but it did. Every re-image failed with Clipmat and BDIS 2012...but a clean wipe of Clipmate ...including manual Registy cleaning...resulted in both BDIS 2012 &…
  • Same here...tried my 1st Full Scan last night and had to cancel it after almost 3 hours...was only about 1/2 through the system...used to take less than 2 hours under BDIS 2011 TiminAZ
  • Never mind...after many many web searches on this...I found that "sometimes" a re-image of a drive may cause some permissions to change in Win 7 ? Don't know why but it did. Every re-image failed with Clipmat and BDIS 2012...but a clean wipe of Clipmate ...including manual Registy cleaning...resulted in both BDIS 2012 &…
  • Hi Tim, You get the permission denied because you need to replace the files in Safe Mode, not in Windows normal mode where all the BitDefender files are protected. Exclusions added into Advanced Settings under Antivirus ? Then you need the file mdsettings.xml from: C:\Program Files\BitDefender\BitDefender 2011\settings…
  • Hello, - after you installed the new build ? From what I can see at first look from the screenshots, looks like you uninstalled the Firewall driver however the reinstall was not done successfully. The reason why you encounter this issue is because you applied a patch when it was not needed to. The patch mentioned in the KB…
  • Tried all 3 steps in joy. Windows Firewall is/was turned off during above steps ? TRinAZ
  • Thanks DD....this PC is a WIN 64bit machine...and it just other 4 32bit machines are fine... Probelm is present with any form of Windows update...automatic...manual etc...simply cannot connect to the windows server... One of the links on the error jpg above is to the link you recommended....there they…
  • Hi Tim, Do you encounter this issue with a certain Windows Update or with any of the updates you are trying to install ? Try to reset BitDefender Firewall rules and let me know if the issue still persist. Also is the issue present on a x64 PC ? We have no notification about it reproducing on a x86 (32-bits) PC. I have…
  • Sometime in the last 24 hrs Bitdefender IS 2011 firewall has started blocking my windows update....if I et update run...I get an error message in windows saying it could not connect If I disable Bitdefender FW ...Windows update will connect and/or download updates If I re-enable FW during update process...update will again…
  • NOTE: for those posting about the scan hanging while scanning the JAR extension in the Adobe Program Files folder, be kindly informed that you are facing a different issue, not the one posted here regarding the Scan of the Z drive. So far I can't associate the two scanning issues. Working on a resolution so please bear…
  • I use BitDefender for three years now, and BD has been fantastic. Right now I have similar problem, Deep system scan and System scan stalls at same file for 2-3 hours (Adobe file, afe.jar which leads to XDCFontDescription.class) before I cancel scaning proces (cant Stop it, I have to Cancel it). Same OS (Win 7 x64) and…
  • Have you tried doing a repair of BD? Regards, Yep...2 times.....interestingly on both repair operations I did not loose any BD settings despite the BD warning message window upon repair this normal now or should my settings been reset to default status ?
  • Hey Tim, If it's not that much to ask, keep the PC like that until we'll have the remote session. See you on Wednesday ! Regards, Sent you a private message on changes by me but BD2011 now seems to be updating...more info in PM
  • Hi Tim, What version do you see if you open the 'About' window ? The same 14.0.28 ? Please post a screenshot. Also try to update BitDefender on the PC where you see the .351 missing and let me know if you encounter any error. Would you agree to set a remote session for this Saturday ? Please reply via PM with your answer.…
  • Thanks DD...have uninstall BD (via BD uninstall tool & CCleaner) and re-installed bitdefender_internet_security_2011_32b.exe. Same problem...same proxy/connect error on updates attached are 2 files requested from new install Looking forward to you suggestions... Also noticed this version number in the problem XP Pro PC: my…
  • Thanks DD...have uninstall BD (via BD uninstall tool & CCleaner) and re-installed bitdefender_internet_security_2011_32b.exe. Same problem...same proxy/connect error on updates attached are 2 files requested from new install Looking forward to you suggestions... TRinAZ Also noticed this version number in the problem XP Pro…
  • Thanks DD...have uninstall BD (via BD uninstall tool & CCleaner) and re-installed bitdefender_internet_security_2011_32b.exe. Same problem...same proxy/connect error on updates attached are 2 files requested from new install Looking forward to you suggestions... TRinAZ Also noticed this version number in the problem XP Pro…
  • Hello TiminAz, Please attach the following file from your BitDefender folder: update_components.xml Default location: C:\Program Files\BitDefender\BitDefender 2011 Also right click on the BitDefender icon in the system tray and select About. Post a screen shot of that window here. Kind regards, Thanks DD...have uninstall…
  • Thank you very much, but it didn't work Glad you got the issue fixed...the "exclusions" option works fine for me on both a W7 Pro 64bit and W7 Pro 32bit machines...if I don't include the Windows backup exe sdclt.exe in the "exclusions"auto list as recommended in SevenForums...neither machine will complete it's weekly…
  • Disabled AVC and even the realtime shield. Still error. Changed the options of windows backup copy by deselecting the box "include shadow copy of C: and reserved system" and the backup was finished. What could be the problem? C: 108GB of used space; I: 218GB of free space (this is where my backups are stored); Reserved…
  • Can someone please tell me how I can resolve the above problem? Mordolf...did you ever get an answer...?...I have same issue and seems to be a lack of info on BD's part as to if there is a default folder path...and what it is. As with other issues...with trial and error I was able to get the settings to a…
  • I can tell you that I do not have a file by that name on my Win7 Pro x64 laptop. I would suggest uploading it to MalwareCity for investigation. Regards, Thanks...haven't done this before...on the submissions page what does "Please archive the files..." mean and do I need a Thicket ID ?
  • Thanks DD....I have both Deep System Scan and Quick Scan set for different times than the Full System Scan and these seem to be running as scheduled without a 12 hour difference in scheduled time vs actual scan times. Will give the other scans a test run and post back. I did have the Performance Optimization set at 30…
  • Hi Tim, I need few days to make this test and try to reproduce the issue. I will come back with more details as soon as the analysis will be complete. Do you have the Performance Optimization enabled to scan the PC when it's idle for 30 minutes ? Also try to reproduce the issue with all types of scan and let me know if the…
  • Hi Tim, I have re-open the ticket ID: 201010231005974. Please check your email. Thanks DD...after working on changing settings/options etc yesterday afternoon...BDIS2011 has been working without error or fault now for over 24 hrs !! Of course I did not write down each time I made a change to the BD settings/custom…
  • Hey Tim, I do need the log to find our more details about this issue. Upload the file to any upload on line websites such as and send me the download link via PM or post it here. OK...since I posted I had the same error on another machine....1 is running BDIS2011 and 1 is running BD 2010. I will send both…
  • Hi Tim, Yes I received the logs and finished the analysis. I have sent you an email with the resolution. Your ticket ID is: 201010231005974. Please confirm if the issue has been resolved. Thanks DD...I believe I had already found this suggestion in another post and followed the procedure. However...having more than one…
    dans Auto-update Issue Commentaire de trinaz octobre 2010
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