Protecție - Malware/ Firmware/etc.

Protecție - Malware/ Firmware/etc.

BitDefender activ care nu a fost eficient.

Cum sa încep...

Am un laptop mai vechi ... Dell Latitude D630.

Asa este, foarte vechi dat cu Win 10 instalat cu licență. Il tin numai pentru controlul gen casa inteligenta. Nimic altceva.

Am Bitdefender total Security pe mai multe calculatoare.

Cine si cum a trecut peste BD, la dezinstalat, full control, apoi noroc ca eram pe faza ca intrase pe alta unitate la care lucram. Am închis tot de fapt WEB.

Nu înțeleg, cum au trecut prin D630 la altele?

Oricum cred ca Bios-ul sau ceva este deschis...

Deci? cine e de vina pana la urma? si daca Echipa BD răspunde la astfel de situații...

Cu stima,


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  • GG / MST

    Exista vreo lacuna in hardware? la cele spuse mai sus?

  • GG / MST
    editat December 2023

    Oricum m-a lucrat frumos prin TCP pe diferite porturi ...

    Asta E...cho

    Mulțumesc pentru răbdare, salutare!

  • Kindly contact Bitdefender support by visiting

    Based on your selected product and the type of issue you're facing, you can get in touch with a support representative through email, chat, or a phone call.

    If you choose email, you will receive a ticket number on your registered email. The support team will reply within the next 24-48 hours, excluding weekends.


    Life happens, Coffee helps!

    Show your Attitude, when you reach that Altitude!

    Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)

  • Salut @GubyG si bine ai venit in comunitatea Bitdefender.

    Cred ca situatia ar trebui investigata mai amanuntit, insa nu vom putea realiza acest lucru pe forum. In principiu, trebuie sa aflam ce tip de atac a fost, ce anume a detectat antivirusul si cum s-a comportat, respectiv evaluarea impactului si eliminarea fisierelor sau aplicatiilor malitioase care se mai pot afla in sistem.

    Pentru a stabili conditiile in care s-a produs infectia/atacul, sunt necesare anumite log-uri de la dispozitivul afectat, iar acestea pot fi analizate de catre echipele anti-malware. Pentru a genera raportul necesar, puteti urma instructiunile din articolul urmator:

    Ulterior, folositi link-ul acesta pentru a intra in legatura cu echipele de asistenta Bitdefender:

    Specificati motivul contactului si alegeti canalul dorit. Sunt disponibile urmatoarele canale de contact: telefon, email si chat. Chat-ul este cea mai rapida metoda de contact.

    Cu stima,


    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • GG / MST

    Hardly a connection, I found 3 malware/spyware, which were installed without my permission, but this after, I don't know how, the "BitDefender Total" antivirus was disabled

    Honestly, in order to reinstall BitDefender I had to connect it to a private source, after which I had 3 days of slow down of the home systems...

    Personally, I don't really trust words anymore.

    I will look for a source to be able to capture the attack, I haven't formatted it yet, but it's the 3rd time I've had this problem with it

     Than's Gabriel

  • I understand..

    This could be one of those rare situations where security software fails to detect an actual threat. Bitdefender detects about 99.51% of viruses in the wild, so it is possible, although very unlikely, that a virus will get past its filters. This is mainly because new malware is released continuously and there is a time gap between when a virus is created and when detection is added for it. Other situations concern PUA/PUP programs installed with the user’s consent in bundled packages, which do not trigger an alert because the user has accepted the license agreement to use them. From there, it's down the rabbit hole and you never know what those programs are capable of.

    But then again, to know exactly what happened there and to avoid this from happening in the future, logs would prove very useful and they will provide the anti-malware engineers the necessary information so they can help you out in this situation. My advice still stands, get in touch with them using the link above and they should get to the bottom of this.



    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

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