Salutare !
BD 2010 cu licenta ... la scan mi-a gasit Trojan.Generic.1262731 intr-o arhiva. Nu gasesc nicaieri descrierea lui sau orice alta informatie legata de acest trojan ... am trimis la BD Lab. cu optiunea corespunzatoare, insa info legat de el nu gasesc. Asadar este o alerta falsa sau trebuie sa imi fac griji ca acea arhiva este compromisa ?? Momentan l-am pus in carantina, astept o indrumare sau orice informatie legata de acest trojan.
Multumesc anticipat ...
Salutare !
BD 2010 cu licenta ... la scan mi-a gasit Trojan.Generic.1262731 intr-o arhiva. Nu gasesc nicaieri descrierea lui sau orice alta informatie legata de acest trojan ... am trimis la BD Lab. cu optiunea corespunzatoare, insa info legat de el nu gasesc. Asadar este o alerta falsa sau trebuie sa imi fac griji ca acea arhiva este compromisa ?? Momentan l-am pus in carantina, astept o indrumare sau orice informatie legata de acest trojan.
Multumesc anticipat ...
Sorry, I understand you talk of false positive in an archive?... that's all I can guess
Maybe, if you post (copy/paste) your message in the romanian file, you could get a quicker answer...
Have a nice day and sorry for my poor english... I do need to train too!
L.0 -
RO :
Salutare !
BD 2010 cu licenta ... la scan mi-a gasit Trojan.Generic.1262731 intr-o arhiva. Nu gasesc nicaieri descrierea lui sau orice alta informatie legata de acest trojan ... am trimis la BD Lab. cu optiunea corespunzatoare, insa info legat de el nu gasesc. Asadar este o alerta falsa sau trebuie sa imi fac griji ca acea arhiva este compromisa ?? Momentan l-am pus in carantina, astept o indrumare sau orice informatie legata de acest trojan.
Multumesc anticipat ...
Helloo !
I have BD 2010 with license ... after scan it finds Trojan.Generic.1262731 in an archive. I didn't find anywhere the description or any info related to this trojan ... i send the result to BD Lab. with the option i have, but i can't find any info regarding the trojan. So is it a false alert or should i worry about the archive ?? At this moment i put the trojan in carantine and i am waiting a guidance or any info related to this trojan.
Thank you in advance ...0 -
Thanks for the translation!
(I just suggested you to copy/paste your message in the romanian file, because I think BD is a romanian software and maybe you could get a quicker help)
I'm no expert at all, but as far as your problem is a trojan file in a winzip, winrar or 7zip archive, I do suggest you to destroy the malware instead of keeping it.
What is the archive file?
A well-known software you like and you downloaded on the right place? (if it is the case, it is maybe a false positive (such as my grammar and spelling corrector a few months ago).
Then of course, you'd better not destroy it.
Send it for checking to the BD center.
In any other circumstances, a brand new archive you get on P2P , destroy it immediately.
Send to BD files you really need and that could be valuable first to analyze.
(I just missed to be infected in the past (and maybe in the future) by free, good and pretty famous software such as Super, VLC, but that I downloaded with links that lead to fakes or infected soft.)
Links are very sensitive issue to check too.
Good luck!
L.0 -
Salut Taurus2001,
Te rugam sa postezi ultimul raport de scanare unde a fost mutat in carantina virusul.0 -
Salut Taurus2001,
Te rugam sa postezi ultimul raport de scanare unde a fost mutat in carantina virusul.
RO :
In carantina l-am mutat eu pentru ca nu am vrut sa il sterg fara sa stiu ce eventuale "pagube" poate face. Iar raportul de scanare pe care il vrei nu stiu unde il gasesc, mai multe detalii unde este salvat poate ??
I moved it in quarantine beacause i didn't want to erased it befoare i know first what possible "damage" can do. The scan raport you want it i don't know where to find it so maybe more details about where it saved ??
@Lionet : i realy need the archive intact. This archive is a package for" a server wich i need, i mean it's server files, packed for use on an dedicated server. I don't know from where i took this trojan but what "he" did i can tell you : he opened the same windows processes, i mean the same processes : cmd and "windows.service.exe" ... for 200 and 250 times, at one moment i had 485 windows processes opend in task manager ...0 -
Logul se gaseste in Istoric/History->Antivirus->Sarcini la cerere/On Demand Tasks de unde selectezi ultima scanare.
0 -
Asta e raportul de azi, am mai scanat inca odata iar rezultatul este asta :
This is the report from today, beacause i scaned again the PC :
Inca un "simptom" : blocheaza accesul browserelor IE, FireFox, Chrome la internet ... deci si actualizarea BD :
Another "symptom" : it blocks browsers acces IE, FireFox, Chrome to internet ... the update of BD also :
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