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  • [Andrei I don't think there is anything but question: if somehow datas would be transmited from my computer with out me knowing, zone alarm should worn me right, I mean something like my computer is trying to acces the internet, like in the case of my other programs avira...
    în firewall Comentat de Arina iunie 2007
  • Andrei How can I verify if i have this software installed? I mean were could I find it, in add/remove programs, in start window, or where, could it be hiden?
    în firewall Comentat de Arina iunie 2007
  • Do you use ODC++ or you have enter on a HUB? DC++ client is a program for file sharing. Well,...? I don' t think so, i never wanted to share anything with anyone . And again what do you mean by ODC++ and Hub. I had my computer given to someone for a few days, to install my sistem again, clean it of viruses... Could that…
    în firewall Comentat de Arina iunie 2007
  • Andrei It failed. What is a dc++ connection?
    în firewall Comentat de Arina iunie 2007
  • You should post the source port and the destination port. From your log i can`t figure what are those connection. I could be a connection with your DNS server, but this only a assumption. Ok. The exact message that zone alarm gives me is: The firewall has blocked Internet access to your computer (TCP Port 1433) from…
    în firewall Comentat de Arina iunie 2007
  • Mai, cred ca pana la urma mouse-ul a fost de vina. Am luat unul nou si pare ca merge bine, deocamdata...
  • Scanarea cu avira o fac acum. Sa vedem daca pot sa-ti atasez lista cu procesele. Intrebare: poate fi chiar mouse-ul de vine ? Am mai intrebat pe cineva si mi-a dat asta ca idee. /applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=219" data-fileid="219" rel="">proces1.bmp…
  • Check the romanian forum please!
  • Hi Arina! To make sure that the POP3 port is opened or not, open cmd.exe (go to Start -> Run -> Cmd <ENTER>). Then, type in the following command: telnet localhost 110 Telnet will attempt to establish a connection on your own computer, on POP3 port. Post if the attempt fails, or if telnet can open a connection. It failed.…
  • I only have the Windows firewall, as for the antivirus I have Avira not BD. Sorry, I entered this forum because I liked what I found here. I have been on other forums about computers and they didn't seem so ...?good?
  • Thank you Niels for your advice! Si pentru Andrei: mai romane, nu stiu ceilalti daca inteleg, dar cu mine poti vorbi in romana, ok?
    în IT security Comentat de Arina iunie 2007
  • Can someone recomand free versions of the antispamfilter, firewall, antispyware that don' t eat to many resurses and they still give you a good protection? I understood that avira is a fine free antivirus, but what of the others?
    în IT security Comentat de Arina iunie 2007
  • Multumesc / Thank you Andrei.
    în IT security Comentat de Arina iunie 2007
  • You didn't understood. I have the internet at home. I was talking about the firm that provides my connection to the internet. I am not sure how this connection it is called, dial-up? I have a telephone that is connected through a modem, and from that modem i have a wire to the computer.
    în IT security Comentat de Arina iunie 2007
  • Ok, i understood that if you have a good antivirus like BD 10 then you have protection from hakers. But now let's supose something: someone from the firm that connected me to the internet wants to see what I am doing. I belive that is not legal, but still if the case, can a person from that firm see what i am doing or take…
    în IT security Comentat de Arina iunie 2007
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