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  • Hi RedsFan I am actually running v27.0.30.140 My mistake, as took the version number from Windows 11 Installed Apps Which displays a different version number Thanks Snappper
  • Hi All I can confirm that Bitdefender v26.0.35.174 is running well. Haven't had an Explorer freeze as yet. Lets hope they have fixed this error? Thanks Snapper
  • I had exactly the same experience with the latest Bitdefender update. Freezing of explore, no response from clicking on any item on my desktop. All software, Drivers and OS, are up to date. Disable Bitdefender and Explorer works fine! So they still have not fixed this error. I'm giving other antivirus a software a test. if…
  • Hi AvengerUK Bitdefender is so bad, it reminds me of the way Norton's Antivirus went ten years ago. I'm currently trying to find an alternative to Bitdefender, as I wont be renewing subscription unless the fix this problem. Its real killing my productivity having to restart explorer.exe or restarting my PC every time…
  • MSuomi It takes weeks for Bitdefender to reply I just constantly check for updates, via the app, hoping they have fixed it Snapper
  • I am astounded that Bitdefender does not test sufficiently to stop this error reoccurring Especially on windows 11, as this should be running without problem Its not as if Bitdefender is free, I'm paying for this inconvenient They want you to send logs and reports instead of testing there product properly I don't want to…
  • Hi all OK, Its been a week with version 27 Haven't had an explorer freeze at all So the problem is fixed Thankyou
  • Hi DoubleD-CH I'm on the latest version, updated on the 11 of July So far the Explorer.exe freeze problem has not happened Still under testing, only time will tell Thanks Snapper
  • Hi Alexandru_BD I hope this problem is fixed quickly, as its causing a lot of inconvenience Having to restart the PC every time this happens or access the task manger and restart explorer.exe Thanks Snapper
  • Hi Alexandru_BD Is there any news on a fix, for this particular problem? This is really effecting my productivity Thanks Snapper
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