gretty emilia iuzic


  • buna andrei, am instalat BF v 10. dar tine-te bine :trebuie sa am firewall dezactivat ? multumesc gretty
  • Salut! Ti-am sters topicul anterior, nu isi avea rostul. Aceste erori de actualizare apar in general cand se uploadeaza fisiere noi pe serverul de update. In general, dispar dupa cateva minute. Te rog sa spui daca problema persista, caz in care vom lua alte masuri. Andrei multumesc andrei ! da, s-a rezolvat ! (de topicul…
  • Hello gretty You can try this : Start BitDefender go to antivirus,shield,adjusted level, check the option don't scan files larger then .... (you can change the default value). If you are sure that a path isn't infected you can exclude it by selecting the option don't scan this path on all levels,press add new item. You can…
  • hi i need your help after installing BF my computer is running very slow. what can i do ? thanks!
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