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  • It is a weak argument that there is no conspiracy for our wallts when what is included is 200mb (which is nothing nowadays) before I have to pay more. Yeah - I wonder what happens to the naggint then. Does it go away if I install the app and don't pay for more after 200mb? Still, I know it is included in my subscription -…
  • Hi, and thank you. That is a very good tip, but I do not have the "categories" option. I did think of this, but I did not find anything. - Please check my screenshot. I did consider turning off notifications all together, but .. that defeats the purpose of a security guide.
  • Yes, but unless I am missing something (which is entirely possible), I do not have the menus Jimbo here shows in his screenshot. All I have is this under Accessibility, and the other menu for the app itself. That shows permissions, and such things. Neither one of the menus has me being able to uncheck "offers" or any such…
  • Foul words? Did you read it? That is an expression, and it is used widely. It is not swearing, and I have no idea why it is prohibited. <beep> backwords. Think about it. It is an expression that means that something is not right, and has the backside in the front. But you shouldn't not worry - I won't stand for a product…
  • It is fine. I can read between the lines. There is no way to turn off the nagging for installing VPN, and no - I will not install VPN to remove the nag about installing VPN. That is what we call "****** backwards" in good ol' English. I am sorry for being a sour-puss, bit I have paid for the app. For years and years, and I…
  • Yes, this was my issue as well - This is the "Mobile Security" forum. The suggestion to uncheck "QUick VPN Access" is impossible. As I click that, I am prompted to download the dedicated VPN app, and I am sorry, but I have to say .. If the requirement to get rid of the nagging of an APP I have not installed is to first…
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