NVME drive cannot use normally
Hi, I'm have been using bitdefender few years and it is very good product. However, I using some Thunderbolt drive recently for my video editing and not work well with it. One of my TB4/USB4 compatible drive and a card reader cannot reconnect after remove, need to reboot the system to solve it. But when I using USB mode it…
Intel Driver false positive?
Hi, i downloaded the newest Driver from Intel and Bitdefender send this to Quarantine: https://downloadmirror.intel.com/22283/eng/26_0.zip Is this really something or a false positive? The object C: \ Users \ me \ Desktop \ 26_0.zip.part => APPS / PROSETDX / Win32 / PROSETDX.msi => (Embedded EXE) was deleted by the user.…
Bitdefender Avc Hv Driver Not Showing In Device Manager Windows 10 X64 Insider Build
I've noticed a few days ago that the Bitdefender AVC HV device doesn't show anymore in device manager, also if i try to manually install it by locating the .inf files in the installation directory Windows give me an error like: "Specified folder doesn't contain a compatible driver for the device. If there is a driver…