Bitdefender product updates and release notes
Bitdefender ensures the best cyber-security available on the market and offers a wealth of features designed to keep your devices safe. Upgrading to the newest version is possible without following the manual uninstall and reinstall procedure. More exactly, the new product including new features and major product…
Thailand cracks down on Myanmar’s scam compounds by severing electricity access
Thailand has cut power to sections of the Myanmar border, targeting regions that house criminal enterprises masquerading as online investment hubs and call centers. The move follows mounting pressure from China, which has seen its citizens fall victim to these sophisticated scam operations in staggering numbers. The…
Join our latest Q&A session with Bitdefender’s Director of Innovation – Razvan Costache
📣 We’re excited to invite you to an exclusive Community Q&A session featuring a very special guest! Razvan Costache is the Director of Innovation for the Consumer Division. Over the past 13 years at Bitdefender, he has focused on product management and digital transformation, leading the development of software solutions…
Bitdefender Awards and Certifications: Industry Recognition
Antimalware Test Results from Leading Agencies: AV-Test, AV-Comparatives, MRG Effitas, Virus Bulletin, and more. This post is dedicated to showcasing the latest antimalware testing results conducted by various organizations. Only admins @Alexandru_BD and @Mike_BD, along with moderators @fedor, @Nunzio77, @Gjoksi, and…
Bitdefender branded merch: Yay or nay? Tell us what you think!
Here's a glimpse of what some of our branded materials look like. These items are not available for sale, they are just experimental designs created exclusively for the Bitdefender teams as part of internal initiatives. I've been thinking about asking this question on the forum for a while now, and I decided to create a…
The Bitdefender Expert Community guidelines and tips to get you started!
Our mission: Welcome to the Bitdefender Expert Community! These forums allow Bitdefender users and enthusiasts to connect with each other in order to share tips and insights, resolve issues, and discuss all things related to tech and cybersecurity. Our promise is to nurture and maintain an environment where real people can…
Poll: Should Bitdefender Make A Linux Version for Home Users?
As a longtime user of Bitdefender (since 2014), the topic of a Linux version has been floating around on and off for the past decade. However, what makes these requests different this time around is the end of life support for Windows 10. Many users, unhappy with what Microsoft is doing to with Windows 11, are starting to…
Guidelines for Product features & Ideation
We are always excited to hear your suggestions and ideas about Bitdefender products and services. To ensure our product developers can use your suggestions, we have a couple of guidelines, to help you get the best out of the Product features & Ideation section: It is essential that all ideas include a user story, that is,…
Windows 11 reboot loop February 2025
After 2 days of troubleshooting Windows 11, I have narrowed the issue to Bitdefender as it attempts to update, and partway through, it triggers a reboot, which becomes loop about every 15 minutes. The firewall also seems to be part of the issue. At the moment, I have turned off the Bitdefender firewall and reset updates to…
Error. Unable to install Edge Password Manager Extention. Help
Help. Whenever I try to install the Password Manager extension in Edge I get the following message. "An error has occurred. Download interrupted" I'm now basically locked out of all websites since I don't have an operating password manager. This is a huge deficiency. Your password manager should be a stand along program…
Bitdefender Mobile Security for Android -- only?
I just started using Bitdefender Mobile Security for Android on my Android phones and tablets. But I was wondering... I also have Android apps installed on devices that are not Android devices -- an Amazon Fire tablet and a Chromebook. Is it worth installing Bitdefender on those devices as well, to protect those apps? Is…
Is there a simple way to turn Bitdefender off temporarily to do an install of software via internet
Attempting to download a trusted program that fails because it says another program is running. My guess is that other program is Bitdefender. Wish to turn Bit. off temporarily. Watched a video that had dozens of steps to turn Bit. off. Must be an easier way or I am using the wrong security software.
The Defenders of the month are the Community superheroes
It's time to show our appreciation for our top contributors and give back to the Community! We are pleased to announce that we are launching our Super User program called “Defenders of the Month” and “Defenders of the Year”, exclusively for the members of our Community! The Super User program represents an exclusive group…
recovery scam sites
Hi, Here are some recovery scam sites ( offering fake money recovery / fake charge-back to victims of scams also known as 'reloading scam', 'advance fee fraud', 'recovery room scam' ): [*urls removed by @Flexx*] Thanks.
Connecting a USB storage device stops the WiFi
Bit of a strange one, this. If I plug in a USB storage device to my Windows laptop with BitDefender Total Security installed then the networking seems to die. I can see this with a ping -t to the router. It's fine with other USB devices such as USB keyboard but as soon as a storage device is connected, within 2 seconds the…
Safepay no longer prints to default printer
Hope someone can help. Printing when in Safepay has always worked correctly until one day it didn't. The default printer shown in the footer of the Safepay page is correct (a physical printer) but when asked to print it now just opens up Microsoft OneNote. I don't understand what could have caused this change or how to…
Defenders of the month free month sub reward causes sync issue in central
Hi everyone, After receiving my "defenders of the month" today (thanks for that BD) 4 of my 6 devices shows as having an issue. I had this same issue in May when receiving the reward and had contacted support who told me "I have synchronized your subscription from our side to ensure all your devices appear as normal and…
PC crashes (no BSOD) and restarts to blank screen after 1.5 hours gaming.
Hello, I am wondering if anyone can help me out with this, - and by the way if I shutdown BitDefender using this (https://www.bitdefender.com.au/consumer/support/answer/88404/) the problem doesn't happen. Is this the only way to stop the problem or is there just 1 or 2 parts of BitDefender I can turn off to stop the crash?…
Is this PDF a malware?
Hello, a few days ago i runned an AML check of one of my BTC address, since I had to exchange some funds, i wanted to make sure they were "clean" before spending them, so yea, i found that telegram bot, entered my BTC address, runned the aml check then downloaded the PDF. The thing is: the PDF runned itself right away the…
Authentication code Denial
Hello, I can't login in my Bitdefender Total security Central Account because because the authentication code isn't being sent to your email so that I can use to Login. Can someone please assist me .
Questions regarding the installation of BitDefender EndPoint
Hello. I am seeking an antivirus solution and BitDefender endpoint from what I have tested has fullfilled most of my requirments, however I haven't been able to verify if the installation process would at any point require "manual intervetion", as in nescessitating to interact with any sort of graphical user interface.…
Bitdefender VPN causing certain SSL certificates loading incorrectly
We had an issue for a few days with several web applicattons that started to malfunction. We identiefied the issue as the browser loading an incorrect SSL certificate - i.e. a certificate for other domain was loaded for certain domains or subdomains (example: app.scanye.pl). Only uninstalling Bitdefender VPN solved the…
Deleting browsing and websites
On my previous anti-virus I could delete browsing and websites. I don't see this option on Bitdefender. I have a disc cleaner that deletes temporary files. I'm on windows 10 and google. Google shows an option to delete history, but it doesn't seems to work on my pc. Perhaps it's because I don't have, or want, a google…
What is the meaning of the 1 or 2 that is listed with the securepass icon that appears in menu bar?
Ransomware Remediation warning from software suddenly
I think there is a possibility that Ransomware Remediation have false alarm? Cause I just got a Ransomware Remediation warning after boot up today from a software which I have been using for a long time. The software in question is Mactype. It never has any warning before. I can still use the pc normally and I don't find…
Problema critica – Control Parental nefunctional
Buna ziua, Am urmat toti pasii pentru configurarea controlului parental pe telefonul copilului si am acordat toate permisiunile necesare. Initial, aplicatia functioneaza corect, insa, in momentul in care repornesc telefonul, opresc locatia sau activez economizorul de energie, aceasta isi pierde toate permisiunile, nu mai…
panicking about possible malware
Hi all, I hope this is the right place to post. I am currently whipping myself up into a frenzy and close to throwing the laptop out and buying another as a result. Nord VPN flagged up the website "retromotor.co.uk" as being malware. It did not do this until a few days after I had repeatedly visited the site however and…
SecurePass - Still Needs Work!
I had been a satisfied Password Manager user for over a year. Saw the hype around SecurePass and started using it a month ago. I am always willing to try new stuff in the hopes that it will make things a little easier for me.😄. I have been a Windows Insider for years! So far, SecurePass has not lived up to that…
Mobile app not recognising my subscription
I have downloaded the mobile security app and after signing in it doesn't recognise my family pack sub and instead only offers a 14 day trial
Automatic Scan startups on new devices
How do I stop an automatically started scan of a new device. I have an external dock ("Toaster") in which I use SATA drives to back up my data. When I insert a 2 TB drive Bitdefender auto starts a scan which can take hours on a fairly full drive. Last night I let it scan a 3/4 full drive it recognized as a new device (took…
Bitdefender Keeps Asking If My Home Wifi is a Home Network
Hi Everyone, I several devices on Bitdefender Total Security at home, connected via a mix of Wifi and ethernet. Anytime a device starts up and connects to this Wifi, Bitdefender asks me to confirm if it is a Home Network. Any idea how I can stop this?
Uninstall re-install Bitdefender Total security
Did some searching and it looks like there is an uninstall tool? Is the newest 2023? how do I know what year/ version I have just says in account Bitdefender Total security then how do i re-install….do i log in at Bitdefender.com with my account? how many installs do i get? looks like it's down to 3 total from 5, or it…
I lost my recovery key
I lost my recovery key
Alert repeating "endless loop" on Windows 11
Since an update last year whenever an app has changed and the firewall alert panel pops up if I don't click it immeditately then I will need to click multiple times to make it go away. If I am not at my computer when it happens it almost seems like an endless loop and I have to reboot to make it go away. I have raised a…
LibreOffice Calc Incompatibility
In LibreOffice Calc (LibreOffice_24.8.2), I can only scroll down in my spreadsheet when Bitdefender Antivirus shield is running. Anyone else had incompatibilities between Bitdefender and LibreOffice? (incompatibility with other programs should be a category BTW)
Is this a scam?
Just got an email from Bitdefender. Says: You've installed Bitdefender's award-winning protection on the maximum amount of devices available in your account. But don't worry. If you need to protect other devices, you can do so with just a few clicks: Then 2 links in the email to Bitdefender Central …. I closed the email. I…
(Solved: Added Abbreviations Of The Months) Mentioning А Month
Be sure to include the month of winning in the title. Honorary membership" refers to a special status granted to an individual without requiring formal obligations. To ensure clarity for concerned members, it is important to mention the start date of the honorary membership, indicating when it officially began.
Can VPN shut down Internet connection?
Hello, I am experiencing recurring issues with Bitdefender VPN. Once installed on a PC, the internet connection randomly drops. It sometimes restores if I reactivate the VPN connection. The kill switch is NOT enabled. The operating system is Windows 10 with a clean, up-to-date installation as of 15/12/2024. The VPN was…