Gravityzone Risk Management app vulnerability path
So under Security risks there was found an app vulnerability on an endpoint named: Apache Software Foundation Commons Text 1.9 This library contains the following files: https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/apache/commons/commons-text/1.9/ I manually searched this endpoint for the conscious files, but they're nowhere to be…
Blocked from completing purchase of gravity zone
Almost 30 days ago downloaded a trial of Gravity Zone Small Business Security. Put it on one server and 13 stations. Now want to enter a card and complete purchase. Their prompts to buy link to 2Checkout. 2Checkout asks for email. I give the one I used for download. It says it doesn't recognize that. Ping pong between BD…
Is there any sort of application control in the cloud version of bitdefender?
Good day all In the support documentation, it says that the application control module is only available in the on-prem instance. Does this mean that there is no application protection on the cloud? Is there any form of application control in the cloud instance, maybe by blocking the hashes or creating an IOC object that…
Web Console Data Processors Troublshooting
Hello, So I have a on prem set up and the Web Console Data Processors has an error, the auto fix is not working. Any advice or pointers for troubleshooting this issue would be a big help this is what shows under Web Console Data Processors in the System Status menu.
As a partner can you create policy under a managed company
As a partner is there a way to create a Policy under one of the customer companies? If I create a Policy in GravityZone it will be created under the Partner Company which then means a company admin user for Customer Company will be able to view the policy but can't make their own changes to it. I do not see a way to create…
GZ Secuirty Risks Details
While it's great that GravityZone Security Risks show which machines are vulnerable to things such as log4j, shouldn't there be a way for the details/mitigations to show what files or elements have been detected as vulnerable? It just tells me an endpoint has this vulnerability/misconfiguration, and it detected it somehow,…
On-premises Gravity Zone Console says, "Your console is out of date." but it's on latest version.
I am running on-premises Bitdefender gravity zone VM on Hyper-V host. Recently I got notification that upgrade is available so I logged in and upgraded it to version (latest by what I can see) 6.37.1-1, But when I look at the update page, I see it showing. "Your console is out of date." tried rebooting VM, using different…
[Email Security] Let user decide whether Quarantined/Possible SPAM is legit or not?
Experts, Just turned on Email Security in GZ, and I'm noticing that emails that are not outright considered Bat(TM) are not causing notifications to end users (mail recipients). This is going to snowball into admin hell fast if I can't allow the users to decide to white/blacklist that and future emails like it. I see that…
I need help authenticating to the Cloud API
Hello, I'm trying to authenticate to my Gravityzone Cloud API. I tried doing the using the Authentication header like "Basic TjhLendjcVZVeEFJMVJvUGk1anlGSlBrUGxrRGw5dkY6" (the token it's just an example) but i keep getting the following error: { "id": 1, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "error": { "code": -32000,…
What are requirements for network discovery for OS X?
Can't find any current documentation for OS X discovery, as well as other non-Windows devices. Anything out there?
How licensing is working if I have Linux Workstation ?
Hello I'm looking to buy GravityZone Small Business Security licenses for my linux workstations via your website. I see that I can only have 30% of my license seats for linux (aka "servers"), what if my workstations are only linux ? Do I need to switch to another type of license ? Thank you
Is there a way to set Gravityzone's portlets to live update?
Hi, I would like to know if there is a way to set the portlets in gravityzone to update automatically live instead of having to click the refresh button? Will there be a future implementation soon? Hope to hear from you soon. Best Regards, Flanksy
Task failed! [-6]
I noticed that my 2016 server did not have firewall, etc. installed. When I tried to update the configuration, I got the following message: Failed Task. Reconfigure agent settings(sub-task) has failed on CONNECTSERVER, returning the error message: Task failed! [-6]. Do I need to uninstall and reinstall the agent? Thanks! :)
New AV, ATS, and EDR Deployment in 2024
Hey there, I am deploying AV, ATS, and EDR in 2024 in my mainly Windows environment of 60 or so endpoints. I am trying to gather as much information as I can. Any tips or guidance for a new deployment or for a new BitDefender admin?
Rushed ahead without reading install instructions....*did I mess things up?*
Business network installation (server and workstations). Downloaded the application and placed the download in a shared folder on my network. Executed the download file on a workstation, then ran a malware scan. While the scan was running, I logged into other wrkstns and the server and used the same installation download…
Password Manager 2FA not working
Hi All, I am using Bitdefender both personal and business. I have my Gravityzone account entered in BD password manager app. However when I try to add the 2FA of GZ into the BD password manger app i scans the website for the security key. The password managers recognize the security key and gives an error: Invalid 2FA key.…
VPN needed or available in Gravity Zone?
We recently upgraded from Bitdefender small office security to Gravity Zone. The old solution had access to a VPN, I have not been able to find the same functionality in Gravity Zone. Is it built in or will I have to look elsewhere to add this functionality to the few PC that will be using it?
How to whitelist false positive in Bitdefender Gravity Zone
Hello All, We are getting false positive, and need to whitelist application or path in BitDefender Gravity Zone. Here is warning that we are getting: On-Access scanning has detected a threat. The file has been deleted. C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Temp\Deployment\DK63992R.LWN\QN6ECEHG.0YJ\mrFuncLib.dll is malware of…
SCCM / Configuration Manager / gravity zone
Hi everybody, i'm actualy dealing with a strange problem. We use Microsoft Configuration Manager (known as SCCM) and we have a lot of errors when deploying software on computers. The problem is SCCM is downloading files in "C:\Windows\ccmcache" before processing installation, but on some computer he cannot validate the…
I am trying to use the Control Center API to get the details about an endpoint from GravityZone. I've got all the basics working. I generated the API key and I am able to authenticate and query data. Now I am trying to use the code at the bottom of this message to get the details about an endpoint. (For brevity, I left out…
Windows 22H2 Being Reported as Vulnerable
I have a little over 250 devices that are reporting 22H2 as vulnerable in gravityzone starting around 7.7.23 CVE-2022-24502, CVE-2022-24503, CVE-2022-24505, CVE-2023-21554, CVE-2023-28252 I have pushed windows kb502166 to a test group of devices today but they are still showing vulnerable. PC's show windows build…
GravityZone - Email Security
Hi Experts, I have an issue when I want to configure GravityZone - Email Security. Every time i want start to configure email security by clicking create account button, I got an error message "Email security account creation failed". My question is, is this error related to specific role/permission that my account don't…
Windows RDS and some Apps are slow since 2nd August
Hi all, Our clients started telling us that their apps or servers were very slow since 2nd August. We started disabling Bitdefender modules but it changed nothing so we moved on. After a lot of testing and monitoring, we tried to uninstall BitDefender : Everything went back to normal. We Disabled every module 1 by 1 in the…
Gravity Zone Software Execution Policy Bypass
Hi guys, all right? During the last week, I've been testing some features of GravityZone and one of them was the program execution blocking policy. From what I verified, we can block the execution of a software both by the absolute path and by the Hash (MD5/SHA). I used an EDR test file without changes and it was blocked;…
How GravityZone Event Push Service Connector Works
Hi Expert, Currently I use GravityZone Event Push Service Connector to get the event from GravityZone to my Syslog Server. I follow the instruction from this link documentation: https://www.bitdefender.com/business/support/en/77209-144080-build-an-event-push-service-api-connector-for-cef-standard.html and the the service…
Activate GravityZone on Mobile Device
I'm new to MDM. And fairly clueless. I used jamf to push GravityZone to my iPhone. Now, I'm getting the message 'The device is unlinked and it needs to be activated." What is the procedure for that task? What is the correct server address, and where is the token obtained? Where do those values come from? Thanks in advance…
GZ "There is no connection with the host security service. Please restart your system."
Something is going on with GZ beginning last week. We have 200 hosts across 15 separate client sites running GravityZone, and between 11/18 and today three production servers (each at a different site) have come up with the same issue - Cloud console reports "update disabled"; antimalware and power user modules are OFF;…
Some GravityZone Endpoints do not update automatically / fail to update
Hello all, We have an issue with some of our endpoints that don't update automatically. The vast majority of the endpoints update regularly, but some have to be pushed manually and even with that, some keep failing to do product and security content updates. Some of the problematic computers are on Windows 10 and some on…
How To Block Chrome Extensions With BD GravityZone Web Console?
Hello. I want to block chrome extensions in user's computer like VPN, IDM and torrents, from Bitdefender GravityZone Web Console. Please guide me on how can i do that. Thanks.
Antimalware Status Shows Both "On" And Red Exclamation Saying "Off". Which Is True?
Mousing over the exclamation says "Antimalware is not enabled". But the green text says "On". How do I address this?