Anyone Have Event 3033 Logged In Code Integrity Operational Re: antimalware_provider64.dll?
Code Integrity determined that a process (\Device\HarddiskVolume3\Windows\System32\SIHClient.exe) attempted to load \Device\HarddiskVolume3\Program Files\Bitdefender\Bitdefender Security\bdamsi\266416669197826934\antimalware_provider64.dll that did not meet the 12 signing level requirements. Bitdefender Total Security…
Is Bitdefender spying us silently?
Hi all, I noticed that Product reports option is automatically turned on after each update (see screenshot). On 6th Nov 2024 I created a ticket (#1009682346) but I received just "general answer" that I can turn it of manually. Really? After each update? Not acceptable for me. What do you think? Thanks for all answers!
BitDefender Total Security (Windows) Compatibility with HomeSeer HS4?
HomeSeer HS4 home automation software fails to operate when run on a Windows 10 PC that has BitDefender Total Security installed. I'd read, a couple years back, that HomeSeer HS4 and BitDefender were incompatible. An unanswered 2021 post in BitDefender Community suggests that this may have been true — at least, in 2021. Is…
Scan with Bitdefender option is not working.
Hi, as it says in the title, the Scan with Bitdefender option in the windows right-click menu does not work. Initially when this first happened a couple of weeks ago, I just reinstalled Bitdefender, but that only fixed it temporarily. Now the option is broken againl. The file shredder option is fine. It opens the file…
Please bring Linux back..
@devs, super please bring back the Linux support/version (for residential/individual/family versions) >.< Both my wife and I have migrated from Windows to Linux since earlier this year and there's no looking back. I may run my Windows disk as/thru a VM, but hardly ever, and am either on Linux Mint (debian/Ubuntu based)…
Bitdefender Central reports laptop issue, laptop reports everything is fine?
I am a recent convert from Kaspersky. After installing Bitdefender on all our family computers, my laptop seems to be the only one with an issue. Maybe. Bitdefender Central is reporting my latop's Advanced Threat Defense is disabled. However the program on the laptop says it's running. Turning it off and on again with the…
Bitdefender causing my ip to be blocked
Hi, I installed Total Security on my windows laptop and apple phone, since I did my website and emails keep going offline because my ip keeps being blocked by my hosting company. I have gone through everything it could be with my hosting - siteground - and the only thing left is bitdefender which is when this all started.…
RESET android phone, reinstall of Bitdefender but shows trial (current total protection)
It shows trial on the "logged in device", and shows in my list of registered under total security in Bitdefender Central page. Tried removing from there online and un-installed from Android. Reinstalled all and still says I only have 3 days left of protection till trial is up? Please help as this is account paid and…
Password issues for Bitdefender Total Security
I installed Bitdefender Total Security on my windows laptop. I have the Bitdefender password and can easier login on Central and even change THAT password, but evidently it's not the same PW for the Total Security app. How do i resent the PW for Total Security?
auto renewal
My internet security renewal is set for december. I want to upgrade to total security, with 10 devices. I'm assuming I will have to cancel my current auto renewal and then select the new product i want? Does total security give me the option to install the full protection for iphones devices? or is there extra items that…
How to print in SafePay ??
I'm a new Bitdefender user with a Windows 10 laptop and i find I can't do the type of printing i want in Safepay. Whenever i tried to print in safepay, it gives me a message to "virtual print not possible......select default printer in Windows Settings". I always print to pdf format but i cant see any option in safepay.
getting this error Oops, something went wrong with your request. Error: invalid request parameters.
so used windows back up recovery and well it did not go good , so bit diffender was uninstalled and i re installed it. after that when i click on the application , it asks me for the sign up , after giving correct credentials i get this error `Oops, something went wrong with your request. Error: invalid request…
family pack....Can one of my family member hack my accounts on my pc!!! payoneer and paypal....
Can one of my family member hack my accounts on my pc!!! payoneer and paypal....
Is Bitdefender compatible with Intel Ultra processors? | Emmanuel Katto
Hello Bitdefender, Myself Emmanuel katto, I would like to ask a question. Does the Bitdefender software support Intel Ultra processors, and are there any plans for a release date for this feature? I am considering purchasing a laptop with an Intel Ultra processor for improved security and privacy. Thank You!☺️
My laptop camera is not detected
Hello all, I know some similar question has been posted (https://community.bitdefender.com/en/discussion/82472/no-camera-access) but the solution posted on this old thread doesn't work with me. I think this old thread is related to an Asus laptop (with Control Center) but I have an Acer. My problem : My camera (integrated…
How do I disable the popup for VPN service?
Bitdefender 2017. Already went into services and disabled AfVpnService, BdVpnService, and IT STILL FRIGGING POPS UP! In my version of Bitdefender Total Security, there is no option in services that disables this notification, and everything is disabled except for update and scan media. Any ideas? Which service did I miss?…
How do I white list a program that is being blocked by Advance Threat Defense?
Bitdefender does not give me the option to add this program as an exception under ATD - the toggle is greyed out.
Is Hydra.exe supposed to be running on my computer with VPN Premium??
Did a little system exploring today, and noticed that a program labeled as hydra.exe was eating up all the data it could from my laptop/VPN connection...did some searches and found that it COULD be a legitimate program that's needed for the VPN to function properly...or it could be a Virus and I should just burn my…
How do I un-accept unmatched security certificate warning
A client's web site is giving an "unmatching security certificate" error in BitDefender Total Security. I first took the option to accept the error and "take me there anyway". This let me check that the web site is still functioning normally. Now I want to check for when the certificate error is fixed - for which purpose I…
Exit Bitdefender
I want to suggest a new, very simple feature, that Bitdefender should have: "Exit" I have used Bitdefender for quite some time, but I always had a problem that ended up being a dealbreaker, when I performed very performance intensive things that required my computer's 100% power, I couldn't just exit Bitdefender, so…
when I last restarted my computer it started with the attached problems
when I last restarted my computer it started with the attached problems.. does anyone have idea ? is it a security risk ? thanx
Bitdefender modifying hosts file
I have disabled the option in Bitdefender to "scan hosts file", however, it keeps commenting out the contents of my hosts file and adding the following to the beginning of the file: # BitDefender has cleaned hosts file localhost --- What can I do to stop Bitdefender from changing my hosts file? I'm a software…
Total Security 10 Device Option Not Pricing Correctly
Hello, I was recently trying to purchase the Total Security option for 10 devices. On the website the promo price is listed as $44.99 for 10 devices. However, when selecting Buy Now and going to checkout the discount is missing, and you're charged the total amount. I noticed this occurs whether you select the 1 year, 2…
Subscription total security
One day, 2 prices 😐️
Can anyone tell me what this is and what I can do to ensure my safety
Recently got this while playing modded minecraft with some friends, haven't done anything, haven't downloaded anything from a sketchy website or a dodgy link. Im wondering what if I can get more details other than its an IP from New Jersey, US and is a Linode User. My anxiety is through the roof due to this. Minecraft has…
Everytime I scan and file/folder using bitdefender I get this error!
Netgear Armor Install & Activate Password Manager
With wallet going away, how can I get password manager with my Armor subscription? I see it listed on the https://www.bitdefender.com/netgear/ page as one of the included features. The Netgear community support hasn't been forthcoming,…
Is there really no way to exempt a folder in Advanced Thread Defense?
I am using Bit Defender Total Security. I am also trying to build some DLLs written in C++ using Visual Studio 2022. I have a blank DLL project with no real code in it, but when I hit build the Bit Defender Advanced Threat Defense deletes my DLL and the build fails. I am 100% sure there are no viruses in a completely blank…
VPN with PNC Bank
I bank with PNC in the US. PNC does not allow login when using VPN, which seem to rather conspicuously defeat a main purpose of VPN. You have known of this issue for some time based on the other discussions I see. What do you have, or what is coming to allow safe connections with our Banks. I'm certain PNC is not the only…