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auto renewal
My internet security renewal is set for december. I want to upgrade to total security, with 10 devices. I'm assuming I will have to cancel my current auto renewal and then select the new product i want?
Does total security give me the option to install the full protection for iphones devices? or is there extra items that would need to be purchased?
Best Answer
Hello @2019whocares
Yes, Total Security will work with and protect your iPhone. Taken from this link, as well as scrolling down the webpage to view the System Requirements,
As far as the subscription concerns, I would contact support and see what they can do for you, or suggest what needs to be done.
You can contact support from here:
Select, Purchase & Manage Subscription and go through the prompts until you get to the black Contact Support box. You will have the the options of Chat, Call or Email. Chat is the quickest way to get thing started, phone support is not toll-free.
Kind regards.
All Bitdefender Home Product User Guides: Using BD Antivirus Plus along with Glasswire free.