PC crashes (no BSOD) and restarts to blank screen after 1.5 hours gaming.
Hello, I am wondering if anyone can help me out with this, - and by the way if I shutdown BitDefender using this (https://www.bitdefender.com.au/consumer/support/answer/88404/) the problem doesn't happen. Is this the only way to stop the problem or is there just 1 or 2 parts of BitDefender I can turn off to stop the crash?…
Is this PDF a malware?
Hello, a few days ago i runned an AML check of one of my BTC address, since I had to exchange some funds, i wanted to make sure they were "clean" before spending them, so yea, i found that telegram bot, entered my BTC address, runned the aml check then downloaded the PDF. The thing is: the PDF runned itself right away the…
Suspicious connection blocked in chrome
Hello, I am stressing right now about something wierd to me that happened right now. I had on my chrome browser youtube video playing on one tab then on second twitter opened and on third page called u.gg used for leage of legends game. While watching the video and not doing anything else I got notification saying there is…
Keep Getting Suspicious Connection Blocked - polyfilljs.org
I keep getting this notification: Is there anything I can do to prevent it, or is it just an Edge thing? Thanks
Your phone is constantly sending data from a site
Please help me if your phone is constantly sending data to a site and doing it regularly to the site I couldn't figure it out.
Can I Disable Windows Defender When I Have Bitdefender??
Hello, Bitdefender team. Can i disable Windows Defender and shutdown all proceses of this antivirus when i have Bitdefender? Thank you in advance.
Web protection is turning off randomly.
As you saw in the title, my web protection is turning off every time I turn off my phone and sometimes when I’m on. Can someone please explain. I am a bit worried.
Could you suggest me some websites or apps to perform a Isn't search ?
I'm thinking of doing an Osint search to see what I can find about my data online, could you suggest the best way to do it? Searching online I found this site: https://www.osint.industries, however Bitdefender mobile blocks it, what do you think? Is it safe in your opinion? Do you have any other sites or software to…
I need a suggestion about a possible security issue I'm having on my phone
Recently I found the Bluetooth activated by itself when I restarted the smartphone, the VPN had been deactivated, the account was disconnected from the Samsung store and I had received a call from an unknown number while the phone was off (probably spam), I reported it on Members by sending the data, they advised me to see…
Is that related to Bitdefender anti theft protection?
I've a Samsung Galaxy A52S 5g and since some time it is showed under the module Trust Agents a service called Protection by Theft,I've asked to Samsung's assistance and they've answered that it isn't related to Samsung,so I suppose that is on Bitdefender Anti Theft could you confirm me that? At now I've disabled it,have I…
ADSPower Browser flagged as trojan ?!
Hello there, today I started using my pc normally, I used ADSPower for a couple of months and never had issue nor detections, today, without even opening it Bitdefender notified me with "we are cleaning an infected resource" I click on it and then, boom ADSPowser, is possible that an antidetection browser, under a…
ADSPower Browser flagged as trojan ?!
Hello there, today I started using my pc normally, I used ADSPower for a couple of months and never had issue nor detections, today, without even opening it Bitdefender notified me with "we are cleaning an infected resource" I click on it and then, boom ADSPowser, is possible that an antidetection browser, under a…
Where to report Malicious/Harming undetected Files?
Good Evening/Day everyone, I got a Malicious File, its some kind of Ransomware wich deletes allmost all User Files, Removes the Mouse, Restarts the System. It runs via Command Line and got Detected by Advanced Threat Defence i think, but it was not able to prevent it from rendering the Sytem Unusable. There was no…
Issue Of Requiring A Log-In Everytime We Open A Browser (Known Issue Since Jan 2022). Any Fix?
This was from a January 18th Reply from support on the issue of requiring me to sign in everytime i open chrome. Thank you for your patience please accept my apologies for the frustration that we might have caused. I have looked into the case and it seems that the situation is caused by an issue that has already been…
Why Digital Identity Protection service to scan the email inbox doesn't works for outlook?
I have been having difficulty connecting my Outlook account to the Bitdefender Digital Identity Protection feature to scan received emails for some time now... I have already opened a ticket with support asking about it, unfortunately I have not received a satisfactory answer at the moment, in fact they only replied that…
Bitdefender still running programs.
Hello. I installed the Bitdefender installer a while back, but decided not go through with the install of Bitdefender (it wanted me to delete my existing anti-virus). I recently checked my Task Manager, and saw that some Bitdefender programs were running. I find this weird, since I never installed Bitdefender, and I…
BDTS and system restore,could you explain me the best way to restore my OS?
I've recently performed a system restore from a restore point saved,the reason was that I've suddenly lost all my tabs opened in my Opera browser and I can't find them anymore (I haven't saved them in bookmarks or other locations),I've had some trouble during the process with that error caused by Birdefender that doesn't…
Someone I blocked is reading all my social media messages and emails
Someone I blocked is reading absolutely everything I send via social media messages including from my private accounts and blue-ticked accounts to blue-ticked accounts, and all my emails, telegram etc. Even when i am in Instagram they seem to know whose account I have gone into to view. This is true for text sent from my…
BD Mobile Security: Scam Alert And Anti-Theft Both Turned Off. Any Help?
Hello everyone, I just wanted to inform you that both Scam Alert and Anti-Theft in the BD Mobile Security App were found disabled on not just my phone but also my mother's for no reason when turning the phone off and back on (since yesterday so version might be the culprit I guess because that update happened…
Leage of legends gets blocked by Bitdefender
This is really outrageous. This happened a lot of times. It blocks the loading screen before a game starts. I need to turn off every protect except anti-virus. You know what's worst? I even did a lot of exepctions for the game but it doesnt help at all. Im using Bitdefender Toal Security
Is there a way to use SafePay on iOS?
When traveling I prefer to bring a phone and iPad, leaving the “big” computer at home. I’d like to have the security of SafePay when doing online banking or other sensitive transactions, but don’t see a way to activate it on the iOS devices. Am I missing something in the setup? If not, that seems like a glaring oversight…
Settings/Manage Unique Websites Format?
Example: A user has different usernames for host1.example.com host2.example.com host3.example.com etc. Usually, doing a login to any one host, will show all usernames for all the above hosts in the drop down for username. It's random'ish if it selects the correct username, by default, for a specific host. By poking around,…
Bitdefender Mobile Security For Android Malfunctioning
Hey Community, For about 3 days bitdefender Mobile Security in Accessibility Settings error reads "This Service Is Malfunctioning". I have searched for help with this issue all over Bitdefender Site but I can't find a resolution. I'm hoping you guys will be able to tell me what to do about this issue. The device with this…
What is Gen:Variant.Application.Jacard.131537 ???
action to be taken for treatment? Please understand that this question is a translator, so there may be grammatical errors. I'm currently using the free version of bitdefender. But when I was using the system scan, I was informed that Gen:Variant.Application.Jacard.131537 infected the file. I told them to restart to solve…
Can on demand scan with malwarebytes conflict with bitdefender and crash some windows process?
Had wierd experience when I was scanning with malwarebytes as on demand scanner on my pc. I alt tab from my game while scan was scanning and as soon as I alt tab to desktop I notice my taskbar was semifrozen some animations were working some not and clicks were not functioning as normal. Could this be sign of conflict?
Bitdefender nuked itself and my entire system for no reason
Hello all, Sorry, this is my first time posting on this forum, if I need to move my post elsewhere please state. I am quite puzzled as to what just occurred and would like some insight to help me better understand why and how this managed to happen, and also, how to fix the aftermath. So, what happened? I had just come…
Pc got fished, need an offline solution, Urgent please
Hiya, i just feel for "im working on a game here is the link" scam on discord, not only bro got my token, but i installed the game.. [he used a friends account that also fell for it. list was for a github page As soon as the program was installed discord wrote something about wrong API and thats when i knew something was…
Are virtual/mixed reality glasses really safe?
hello everyone! Since 2023 I have had PICO 4, and during this time I was wondering about the security of this type of device when you log in to websites or applications with your account. Can they see your account and password for your sites/accounts? After all, you are logging in from their ecosystem. I understand that…
What's Wrong with This Page?
Can anybody tell me why Bitdefender won't trust the webpage of a local HVAC contractor who has a good reputation among his customers? The URL in question is https://www.roessheatingandair.com/