Suspicious connection blocked in chrome

Hello, I am stressing right now about something wierd to me that happened right now. I had on my chrome browser youtube video playing on one tab then on second twitter opened and on third page called used for leage of legends game. While watching the video and not doing anything else I got notification saying there is suspicious connection blocked so I was curious what it is since I didnt opened new website. It was saying chrome.exe tried to connect to some ip adress that is this one: Virus total said that it might be malicious by one security vendor. And its saying its location is from AS 14061( DIGITALOCEAN-ASN ) which is some company in us. Could anyone have anyidea what does this mean. Thank you so much for help


  • Gjoksi
    Gjoksi Defender of the month mod
  • Thanks Gjokes!

  • Hi thanks I read it already but I am still wondering about what exactly it was because this is not web adress but ip adress so I had no idea where it is comming from. I used SSL shopper that showed original domain name for certifiate or something is is it possible that adblock just had some update or something? I use addblock from

  • Hi

    I got this ip added in my Exeption list

    Chrome.exe try to connect, I 3 brands antiviruse and Hitmanpro found dsshost.exe file merlicius activity. Especilly, Glasswire detected this file trying to connect many places, i belileve i've been hack since an email appeared with out a trace in my inbox with my own email.

    It appeared to be an extention is a Malware inbeded it self on the name Chrome, Videos Downloader is the one. after Hitmanpro Glasswire detected the file. from C:/Program File/system32/…./dashost.exe i can't remember exactly. its moved to other files after you click on it, so careful. I don't believe it at first either.

    I have no other way to remove it, bitdefender found notthing, Hitmanpro also none, so o try Windows Scan, the one Safe mode scan it think. select the one beloe full scan makes sure you update your security windows update.

    lock your Bitdefender.

  • hi i just got email you replied well to that IP address. First of all it's older post but I think still actual. The IP address you mentioned I found out it has a certificate with issued name something like get AdBlock com so I contacted team of creators of AdBlock and they confirmed the IP belongs to official AdBlock and they just have not valid or renewed certificate.

  • that ip got like 20-30 names just to lure us in.

  • what do you mean 20-30 names? Also 1 vendor claiming it's malicious is big chance for it being false positive

  • well, i don't care if its real or not anyway ahahahah

    😂but now, how can i stop this?

  • tokuhavo
    edited August 4

    the IP address you show being blocked is same as I mentioned and that's how you found this Post i guess. I already told you this IP belong to AdBlock addon for Google chrome that is safe. If you have AdBlock extension just leave it or add it to exceptions