I don't see the point in downloading and running the BDAGENT.EXE file, this is just immaterial and is no solution for the problem. Every user has more or less downloaded it, and no fix has been created, because the only central problem we have is BitDefender .. no hardware, no services. I've never known any company to…
I still have to start BD services manually... start/run/services.msc/ BitDefender Desktop Update Service (right mouse 'Start') and BitDefender Virus Shield (VSSERV) (right mouse 'Start') every time I start my computer. The services start right up, but only when started manually. This is what I have to do in Win7 32bit, my…
What i recently found out by error, is that if your BD 2010 isn't responding and the icon is grayed out, try doing a right click context scan .. this seems to kick BD into life, slowly. Shouldn't be like this tho .. there should be a fix, not even any word about wokring on patches. Shocking for a company !!
I have been a BitDefender users for many years and have minor issues, but nothing as MAJOR as this. Why wasn't this product throughly tested with various configurations before release to the public who PAY FOR THIS PRODUCT TO WORK on their PC, and protect other users against security breaches / malware, and numerous other…