Now I'm having the same problem again with an XP computer. I had installed it on a a different xp and windows 7 computer two days ago, but today its not working on a different xp. Its almost like every other download is giving me problems. I even used the same download on all three computers.
I had tried reinstalling it. Uninstalling usung the uninstall too, and then running the installer as an admin. Still didnt work. Oddly, I did an easy transfer from my old XP to the new windows 7 and it came over from the old computer, but it was not working properly. I downloaded it again from the same download as before…
Hello BLAKEFOX, Did the computer already have an antivirus program installed? They often come with trial versions. If so that will have to be completely un-installed using the un-install program designed for that AV rather than just the windows control panel. Ro. It is a chea.p refurbished computer. It didn't come with any…