

  • Hello Bloobik, Please send in an e-mail contact to Bitdefender to inquire about this, they will get back to you. Email: Ro. I can't use this site because my license key is cancelled so when I try ask from this site I get message that my key is invalid
  • Upgrade for free from an older version to the New Bitdefender It is recommended that not to delete the registry keys initially. Everything works ! I do everything what you say, clean registry manual, delete folders, then use ccleaner and argente utilities, I've…
  • Hmmm...... then the sure thing is that there are lot of remnants and left overs of the Beta version, because there was no proper standalone uninstall tool available for that. I posted that in the Beta campaign also but not responded as usual So you have to…
  • Did you try this procedure? Yes, still same error. Beta version 2014 do install and works normal, but full version doesn't.
  • I have the same problem. I tried everything, offline install, online install, uninstaller tool in safe mode, registry cleaner, everything, and always have installer.exe error. I can install Bitdefender TS 2012 and 2013, but can't install 2014 version.
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