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  • ok man...whatever, I'm all over this. I hope someone checks the file and decide if it was worthed or not... you can close the topic..or whatever
  • I'm not mad on bitdefender...I mad because, as I said, I'm trying to help, and I don't even get an answer( i have waited a week and nobody went through the trobule to post an answer here)...something like "hey, we will check your file", it would nice, and apropiate to do so, don't you think? and yes they do it because they…
  • I have posted a file that contains MALWARE, if it would just crack the software that it was supposed to crack, I wouldn't be posting here, would I? as for the analysts...I suppose is more than one, and one of them is assigned to check the forum, that would be the normal situation... you talk about downloading everything,…