

  • The update was waiting for me when I came home, and I just naturally clicked that it was okay to reboot. Now I can only access my machine in Safe Mode. I run an XP Box (AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual (4800+), 2.4GHz, 2 GB Ram, XP SP3) that until today the only issue was the inactive Real Time scanner. Now I get a constant reboot…
  • The update was waiting for me when I came home, and I just naturally clicked that it was okay to reboot. Now I can only access my machine in Safe Mode. I run an XP Box (AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual (4800+), 2.4GHz, 2 GB Ram, XP SP3) that until today the only issue was the inactive Real Time scanner. Now I get a constant reboot…
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