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  • Hi Cristi, it's probably a temporary glitch but all links from the "My Support" page return an error 500 from Firefox, IE and Chrome: The website encountered an error while retrieving It may be down for maintenance or configured incorrectly. Maybe you are using…
  • The "I do not want the Automatic Renewal" link on that page is not working (HTTP error 500), tested from 2 different browsers. Let's not play on words, what you describe as the "possibility to automatically renew that license" is what I called a "renewable license." For fun, I received an email from Digital River just now…
  • I know what it does, but not everybody wants their desktop to be cluttered with icons. I have zero icons on my desktop, not even the Recycle Bin. And as I said earlier, this icon is totally useless, since Bitdefender is always running. The icon in the Notification Area is much more accessible, it's visible at all times,…
  • The checkbox "Store my billing information and automatically renew my subscription" is actually invisible, unless you click on a specific link to make it appear. I bought a product for a specific duration. If I wanted a renewable license, if it has a cost, I expect to be the one to decide that, not Bitdefender to make that…
  • It's still a fraud attempt if users are not notified, do not consent, and can't opt out during the purchase process. You fall into the same category as all the scammers Consumer Reports constantly denounces for the very same practice of unknown revolving fees. I can't recommend Bitdefender anymore, and won't renew my…
  • Most decent software ask before creating icons on the Desktop, usually with a checkbox option during setup. I have done a lot of investigations for Bitdefender, which involved dozens of uninstalling/reinstalling the product. Deleting these shortcuts every time is a pain. And nobody uses or would miss these shortcuts…
  • Hi Cristi, the issue is not resolved in the setup executable I just downloaded from your link. There is still a shortcut on the Desktop, and two in the Start menu. No big deal, though.
  • Thanks, Cristi. The issue has been solved on my side. Still, enabling automatic renewal by default has been denounced by all consumer associations and confirmed in many trials as a practice akin to fraud. And it's even worse when you or your vendors do it without warning the customer and without an option to unselect it.…
  • Come on guys, this is bordering ridiculous. This is a known 100% repro issue reported in several threads for 3 months, please escalate and let the Bitdefender developers work on this bug. There is no need to ask customers to try random behaviors to provide more data, this needs to be fixed now, not discussed at length any…
  • Thanks for the information, Catalin, I received the support team's email. Here was my answer to them (I don't expect to receive the answers via the forum, it's just a FYI.) Nowhere does Digital River say they have been contracted by Bitdefender, neither did I receive an email from Bitdefender notifying me of this…
  • Cool, thanks for the update, Gary.
  • Oh, that's mine! ^-^ Yep, if the scheduled scans are indeed useless, BDAV should not request to run one manually every 8 days. Apparently the automatic scans do not behave the same way as the manual scans: They ignore the exclusion list, for instance, as reported in other threads, although that seems to be a bug. I don't…
  • The schedule got corrupted again, this time without using the Game mode at all. It was fine and on schedule at 2AM for the 10 days since I reinstalled (it takes about 1.5 hours to run) but I shut the computer down overnight 2 days ago. When I restarted it the next morning, the scan that couldn't run at 2AM started running…
  • Not automatically, because you may want to keep your settings, but it should probably ask if you want to keep your settings, run automatically, then restore the previously saved settings (or not.) The uninstall tool should also have a link in the Start menu, and be integrated into the Uninstall feature of the Programs and…
  • @Dangermouse I agree restoring or uninstalling/reinstalling the software will lead to the same schedule corruption in days, but if we can pinpoint the exact cause, like the game mode, then the Bitdefender team can more easily investigate and fix this issue definitely. I don't know how much they support 2011 now that v.…
  • I think I managed to identify the steps to repro for this bug: I enabled the game mode on BDAV 2011 at 10:10AM and disabled it at 11:14AM. The next daily scan did not run at 2:00AM as scheduled, but at 11:14AM. That is too much of a coincidence, so there must be something wrong with the game mode.
  • Dave, did you use "Turn Game Mode On" at some stage? I reported the same problem months ago and hoped BD 2012 would fix it, but I have been forced back to BD 2011 and would really like to get this fixed on BD 2011. After I reinstalled BDAV 2011, I didn't have any problem with the schedule for a couple of days, then the…
  • I agree, and never said it affected all users, only that both threads look like they're the same issue. Your high speed reports on both threads seem to reinforce the similarities. All that interests me is to see this issue solved, I have been a mod already, not looking for another mod job! ^-^
  • Bitdefender would not survive long if they adopted this kind of behavior. This is plain fraud: Someone out there must be using your license key or something, and bought the extension on your account. You should investigate who this is, Bitdefender can probably give you the IP of the current user of your license.
  • The slow Internet issue is for all 2012 products, not just BDAV, and is already discussed in the General forum: Better close this one unless it is a different specific issue.
  • It's probably the same issue as the show toolbar one already escalated 2 weeks ago: Every single time you restart the computer, some settings are ignored and the default settings are used instead. Thus you have a browser behaving exactly opposite to the settings shown in Bitdefender. Your only option is as you found out,…
  • I never thought I'd say this, as a strong proponent of staying on top of the latest version of every operating system and software, but I just gave up on 2012 and went back to 2011 too. :[
  • @Snacko Gary did not ignore or deny your request, he respectfully informed you that there is already a feature request posted about the same issue so you can post further comments in that other topics. He didn't say in any way that you were supposed to search for it everywhere. That's how it works in every decent forum…
  • @Oldtyme Well if we have to disable everything that's enabled by default, that's hardly a solution. And AVC should work fine without disturbing sites that top 1 billion downloads every day such as YouTube. I'm pretty sure AVC was disabled in my installation, I disabled pretty much everything in the hope that it would keep…
  • OK, just uninstalled BDAV 2012 and I didn't even have to reboot to confirm that the YouTube video freeze when using the volume control slider is indeed caused by BDAV 2012. So is the delay on flash video playback or when downloading files. I am usually a strong proponent of always using the latest version of any software,…
  • Oh, I've got the video freeze issue on YouTube volume control too, I never imagined it could be caused by BDAV 2012. I am uninstalling it right now to double-check if BDAV 2012 is responsible for it.
  • It's probably the same issue as the one previously escalated but still not resolved about the toolbar adding code to every single web page even when the toolbar is disabled.
  • It doesn't need schedule scan because of it's high real-time scanning technology. When any suspicious file has been detected then Bitdefender automatically disinfect it. So why needs schedule scanner You'll sing another song 8 days after installing BDAV 2012, when it flashes an angry red because you didn't run the full…
  • 4] Aftertht Exclude the game folder. That's a hack, if it works, but paying customers need a working solution out of the box. Please don't unnecessarily use lines of dashes again, it breaks the forum's layout.
  • No, it's still not fixed. The bugs have been acknowledged on the other thread @DanyDan linked. There is a temporary workaround: Enable the toolbar and close BDAV, then reopen BDAV to disable it again. The gray wart should now disappear if you refresh the web pages in Firefox. The linked thread is a bit different, it…