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  • Hello Christian, My Wifi Xoom - which succeeds with scan - is version 3.2.1 (update HTK75D) My 4G Xoom - which fails scan - is version 3.2.4 (update HLK75F) Each is rooted with slightly modified framework. Thanks Fixed with today's update. Thanks!
  • Hello Christian, My Wifi Xoom - which succeeds with scan - is version 3.2.1 (update HTK75D) My 4G Xoom - which fails scan - is version 3.2.4 (update HLK75F) Each is rooted with slightly modified framework. Thanks A snip from my BDLog file: {"report":{"message":" crash in UpdateMalwareListUI - MalwareActivity:…
  • Hello Chipster Which version of Android do you have on that Xoom tablet? Thank you. Take care. Hello Christian, My Wifi Xoom - which succeeds with scan - is version 3.2.1 (update HTK75D) My 4G Xoom - which fails scan - is version 3.2.4 (update HLK75F) Each is rooted with slightly modified framework. Thanks
  • Ditto. I have two Xoom tablets - one Wifi, one Verizon 4g. Both attached to a single Google account. The Wifi Xoom completes the scan successfully (after a long time at "querying server"). The Verizon 4G Xoom stalls during "querying server" - then fails complaining of internet connection. Of course - there's no connection…
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