

  • Hello @Scott Fair enough. I usually just run 1 a day to be extra safe and my PC has nothing installed on it except bitdefender, chrome and firefox so it usually completes in under 10 minutes. I will have to test this next time I get a build update to see if its every time or not so i can help someone in the future if they…
  • Hello @Scott Yea I understand that is why I got the notification but it wasnt my first system scan (i run one daily when i first start the computer). Thats why i was confused when it said it was my first one. It completed at about the same speed/duration of all my other scans, just found it weird that I got that pop up…
  • Hi @Scott Thank you for all the information. I am glad to know that this is normal but man did it shave a few years off of my life when it randomly happened. It appears to have happened almost exactly like how Alexandru explained except it didnt happen when I booted up windows, it happened randomly when I was using it.…
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