
  • Dupa cum vezi nu este ceva particular ci o problema de care se cunoaste !! : "O noua versiune Conficker / Downadup Thursday, 01.01.2009, 15:06 by admin | Filed under Alerte, Security Updates. Conficker.B / Downadup.B exploateaza vulnerabilitatea MS08-067. Microsoft a lansat un patch pentru aceasta vulnerabilitate in…
    in Conficker.b Comment by DRU January 2009
  • Multumim pentru sample. Fisierul este intradevar malware si a fost adaugata detectie ce va fi disponibila dupa urmatorul update, cu numele: Trojan.Agent.Small.SVY O zi buna.
  • Hi, Well what i would suggest would be to disable BitDefender Shield and try to delete the temp directory contents.After that re-enable the shield and wait to see if the warning comes back. Waiting for news on how it went. Regards
  • Fisierul este o componenta de vundo intradevar. Va fi detectat la urmatorul update cu numele: Trojan.Vundo.ELW Multumim pentru sample.
  • Hi, HijackThis log looks normal. Can you please detail on what kind of problems do you encounter? Thank you, Radu Daniel
  • Folosesc BitDefender total security 2008 si nu a detectat acest virus polimorfic.La scanarea pe virus total a fisierului suspect am avut urmatorul rezultat Win32/Mabezat.B(eTrust-Vet), Worm.Win32.Mabezat.b (F-Secure), Worm.Win32.Mabezat.b (Ikarus), Worm.Win32.Mabezat.b (Kaspersky), W32/Mabezat.a (McAfee), Win32/Mabezat.A…
    in Win32/mabezat.b Comment by DRU May 2008
  • Hi, Can you please attach the samples of the infected files. Also hijack this logs could be useful. Thank You
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