Dupa cum vezi nu este ceva particular ci o problema de care se cunoaste !! : "O noua versiune Conficker / Downadup Thursday, 01.01.2009, 15:06 by admin | Filed under Alerte, Security Updates. Conficker.B / Downadup.B exploateaza vulnerabilitatea MS08-067. Microsoft a lansat un patch pentru aceasta vulnerabilitate in…
Multumim pentru sample. Fisierul este intradevar malware si a fost adaugata detectie ce va fi disponibila dupa urmatorul update, cu numele: Trojan.Agent.Small.SVY O zi buna.
Hi, Well what i would suggest would be to disable BitDefender Shield and try to delete the temp directory contents.After that re-enable the shield and wait to see if the warning comes back. Waiting for news on how it went. Regards
Fisierul este o componenta de vundo intradevar. Va fi detectat la urmatorul update cu numele: Trojan.Vundo.ELW Multumim pentru sample.
Hi, HijackThis log looks normal. Can you please detail on what kind of problems do you encounter? Thank you, Radu Daniel
Folosesc BitDefender total security 2008 si nu a detectat acest virus polimorfic.La scanarea pe virus total a fisierului suspect am avut urmatorul rezultat Win32/Mabezat.B(eTrust-Vet), Worm.Win32.Mabezat.b (F-Secure), Worm.Win32.Mabezat.b (Ikarus), Worm.Win32.Mabezat.b (Kaspersky), W32/Mabezat.a (McAfee), Win32/Mabezat.A…
Hi, Can you please attach the samples of the infected files. Also hijack this logs could be useful. Thank You