Darcy Chiasson


  • Thx for all your help, Nice avatar by the way.
  • Thank you, just one last problem, I can't seem to get Ares (P2P) to work, it connects I can search for files, but it wont download them, it just keeps "connecting". do you know any other good safe P2P that wont slow down my system too much?
  • Farbar, We had a computer shop take a look at our DVD drive, and much to our suprise it was actually broken. At the same time, they also reinstalled Windows to see if it would get rid of our other problems... it did. My computer is so far so good. We bought a router, V11 Wireless G by ZI0. It suppositly has a firewall too.…
  • 1. I got Sygate, I have McAfee but it's free forever, my dad gets it for his work, and somehow, we never have to go get an other CD or something from work, we can just updated it continualy.... but I don't "trust" it. It seems like it's BY McAfee, but it's like a cheaper product. You see it's called: virus scan enterprise…
  • Oh, and I tried downloading my P2P again. I use ares lite. The download and install works, I can start it, but when it starts scanning my library, it freezes and doesn't respond. I tried a few different sites and mirrors. Do you think it's related to all the other problems, I never had this problems with it.
  • 1. I got rid of the quarantine folders. haha... I can't believe I didn't notice the path was in the QUARANTINE folder. 2. Like I said, I think I'm getting a firewall, but I think I might download one until then. I used spybot, I had 27 problems... I couldn't any log file. But I checked, and there was no virtumonde... which…
  • OK, What happends is if I go to see my connections, in control panel, there's an X on the connection I use, and it says deivce missing. Like it always did. But when I open Fire Fox, the connection screen pops up and asks if I want to connect. That's the only way I can connect, I can't double click on my connection and…
  • Hey, alright, so my problem now is: My internet connecting still says: device missing, and if I double click on it, and there's no way for me to connect to it. (if I double click it brings me to properties, and if I right click, there's no way I can enable) But if I open firefox, the connection screen pops up, and I…
  • Ok, I got the static on this laptop. I set it to the other computer, and doubled check a few times. I included the IP the subnet masks, the gateway, and both DNS servers. I get this though: The combination of IP address and subnet mask is invalid. All of the bits in the host address portion of the IP address are set to…
  • 1. There is a physical connection. I see the 2 little computer screens in the tray connecting, and blinking. 2. Did it. It had all 0 across board one the result box. 3. Disabled the weird connection. 4. All worked but the renew, still the same problem. 5. Couldn't get all the #. I type ipconfig /all in the run box, and…
  • Thx, I've done some of those steps, but I'll do them all in order, and get back to you about them all once I'm done.
  • I'm not sure if i should do that right now. I got a hold of a installation cd. But there was only 1 CD, and it asks me to put in CD2. And what else is weird, is that I have windows xp media centre edition, but it tells me to put in a proffesional edition CD. Is there something I could download to replace my files?
  • I got the IE fix to work, I could find the i386 file and all. But the scannow still doesn't work. I'm going to try a system recovery, can I chose what to recover, so I don't wipe out all my computer?
  • Hey, So when I do the SFC scannow thing, it asks me to put in my windows XP proffessional CD2. ... I don't have one (my father is back). All I have is a backup disc we did about a year ago. But... we don't have a WINDOWS XP CD... it just came on the computer when we bought it, and were told to make a recovery CD. I tryed…
  • I ran the scanow command, and the IEfix. Both need my XP disx to finish. By the looks of things, that windows scanow thing wanted to fix alot of files, (it poped up multiple times asking me to put in my windows CD, I just clicked ingore, for now) I have to pick up my father at the airport tonight, and he'll know where the…
  • K, thx, I'll try those. I really wish I could have my windows CD. Anyway, I was wondering, WHY is there a big red X. If the vundo created it, why didn't it go away with all the other symptoms (ecxept the internet). Or is it a change it made to the computer, regardless of it you get rid of kernel error or not?
  • OH my! I just noticed I didn't do the IEFix. Man, I'm slipping. SO i'll keep you posted on that too.
  • All right. So yes, it was rsvpsp.dll. And, yes I did clicked finish, but that was my bad, I wasn't wanting to fix anything or anything. Thx alot for your help, I'll take a look at the few options you gave, then tell you if anything interesting happened. Just so you know, my father has my windows XP CD (or he hid it…
  • OK So it says their's no problems found. Keep: (discription in ()) mswsock.dll (Tcpip) winrnr.dll (NTDS) rsvpcp.dll ((protocol handler)) There we are. thx
  • Ok, I'll try to attatch the pic. When I clicked "insert image" it asks me for the URL. ... And I don't have the pic on the internet. Should I just type the path? Yes I reenables the firewall, I just disabled it when I created the connection this time. And I use a desktop. And it was a brand new computer, never used…
  • Hey, Well I did everything you told in the post of feb 4th. I believe I have service pack 2. Though I have "windows XP media centre" so it may be a little different. Step 1: I disabled the fire wall. A typed those 2 things in comand prompt. The first one worked, but the second (renew) still said: An error occured while…
  • Will do, I'll copy the thread and download the program in my stick, go home, and try to get to a computer with internet as soon as I can. Thank you.
  • OK. thx. I followed the steps. 1. Got rid of it. 2. Temp folder deleted, all but one file. In my internet options, the format was a little different than you said. I couldn't find "delete all", I looked in all the tabs including general. But there was: "delete cookies" and "delete files". So I did those. And when I first…
  • Hey, That fie you asked me about : Stedman is my medical dictionary, (college) but I never ever used it, if you're at all supicious about it being infected, we can delete it. But so you know, it's not a adware program or something. Here is my hijackthis Log: Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.2 Scan saved at 11:31:39…
  • WOW, ok smitifraud is working! I restarted the computer after that dr.web... and I could use it. results comming your way! (so the order was different than you told me to do: combofix then dr.web then smitfraud) SmitFraudFix v2.278 Scan done at 19:34:47.87, 02/02/2008 Run from K:\SmitfraudFix OS: Microsoft Windows XP…
  • OK, I only have a modem. No router. I unistalled combofix, but I stll have tha problem when I try using smitfraud: can't find C:\combofix\kmd.exe Here's the latest combofix when I used the CFScript. ComboFix 08-02.01.6 - Owner 2008-02-02 14:59:37.2 - NTFSx86 Microsoft Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600.2.1252.1.1033.18.966…
  • OK, I can give you only 2 logs, remember, the smitfraud fix ( a few posts back) didn't work on my computer. So I'm doing the dr. web scan now. And he ipconfig /renew didn't didn't work. It says:an error occurred while reneing interface Local Area connection : unable to contact your DHCP server. request has times out. And…
  • I also have the 2 files virustotal couldn't scan ziped with a password, if you thought you wanted to take a look at them
  • I got up to the simitfraud fix. When I run it I get a: Windows cannot find 'C:\comboFix\kmd.exe'. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again, to search for a file click the start button, and then click search. So do you want me to skip this step and do the other things you told me too? I did the combofix…
  • Ok, so the nwix was clean, the Divxdriver was too big, the site said it was past the max acceptable size (it was 14 Megs) and the asixx... wasn't... 'there' I could get to site to scan it, I tryed WRITTING it, instead of browsing... and the site it had 0 Ks. I checked for anything with those words in the add\remove... and…
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