My post doubting the sanity of fixing the problem and not incrementing the version number got deleted too...
Is it just me, or is it not rather stupid to provide an update to fix a major problem, but not to increment the version number so that we know it has been correctly implemented? Support will be left with customers with, and without the problem, and maybe even with regressive bugs,, but not able to know which software level…
Although I was somewhat dubious, as a last resort I tried the " shutdown.exe /r /t 0" suggestion and it seems to have worked for me and survives system reboots. I have Bitdefender, I can see all my adapters and have access to my network shares. Current virus signatures are 7872475/Engine 7.70243, so I think the…
7 minutes ago, KathyD said: How can I determine what version of Bitdefender is installed on my system? There is no About box or other way to determine the version I'm running in the User Interface from what I see. Right-click on the widget in the taskbar and then click on "About"
I find this very disturbing in a so-called world-class protection software. I have 3 PCs that have not had access to local network services such as printers and shared drives for 2 days, and turning off the firewall (or relying on Windows to protect me) is not an adequate or acceptable work-around. I would have expected…