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  • Hi Gina, A Cabinet File (CAB) is the Microsoft Windows native compressed archive format. It's just like any other archive type, but it's made by Microsoft To clean you virus, just go to C:\WINDOWS\Cache\Adobe Reader 6\ and delete the file You could also delete the hole Adobe Reader 6 folder, if you say you…
  • The virus is located in a cabinet files. The virus spreads via e-mail and also infects PE Win32 exe's and RAR archives. The virus is contained inside the archive. Since you don't use Adobe 6 anymore, I think that you can safely delete the entire cabinet file where the virus is contained. Andrei oh, good grief ... how do I…
  • Hi Gina Do you still have problems with windows? If so than I recommend that you try this put in your windows cd-rom go to start,run,at the run dialog box type cmd press enter,type sfc /scannow press enter. Now system file checker will search and replace corrupted or missing windows files.Otherwise you don't have to do…
  • Hi, Gina! Please update your BD. It was a false-positive and the detection has been removed. Andrei thank you for your help Andrei. The last scan went fine and I'm back in business. with gratitude, Gina
  • Hi gina You may replace it. So you may confirm by choosing yes.But normally BitDefender will not detect it anymore. I suggest that you perform an update to do that open BitDefender go to update,update now. Regards Niels hello again: I tried to update and the update failed. When I tried to close BD and open again it didn't…
  • Hi, Gina! Please update your BD. It was a false-positive and the detection has been removed. Andrei ahhh ... that makes sense!! thank you
  • Hi Gina Do you still have problems with windows? If so than I recommend that you try this put in your windows cd-rom go to start,run,at the run dialog box type cmd press enter,type sfc /scannow press enter. Now system file checker will search and replace corrupted or missing windows files.Otherwise you don't have to do…