I've tried everything, I even dropped an old image in to try and avoid any possible conflict with a windows update but still the same. As soon as BD updates we're back to square one asking to reboot numerous times a day.
I'm also running win 7 64bit and this has started happening to my machine for the past couple of days. Very annoying
I have the same issue with one of my xp machines. I contacted bd 2 weeks ago and still no reply under [Ticket ID:201008241011122]. 2011 seems to have fixed the isses I was having with my win7 machine but broke my xp machine in the process
Thank you Danydan for a prompt reply and solution to my problem
DanyDan could I get this patch I still have this issue on my Vista System
Installed ok on my win7 machine but vista wont allow registration
DanyDan I've been asked to test the beta 2011 version. So as requested I downloaded the 64bit version, Uninstalled 2010 and tried to install 2011 but it doesn't even install as it hangs at the validation part of instalation saying no internet connection found. Pretty good start eh? I replied to the email asking me to test…
After a few months of experiencing this issue myself its time for me to say something. If you are a pc user who only turns on your computer for short periods of time then turns it off you will be fine to use this software. If you are a user who like myself leaves your system running 24/7 DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY!! look for…