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  • I installed the Bitdefender IS 2015, its my first experience with any Bitdefender product. I didn't read its requirements, but installed on old machine: RAM: 3Gb CPU: 1.87 GHz Intel Core2Duo e6300 Windows 7 Ultimate 32bit. currently this AV is working fine for me, but I am curious to hear what is will slow down the PC in…
  • I just want to say that I am highly disappointed with the Bitdefender team. I was expecting a relatively fast fix and this is really getting on my nerves. It's been 11 days since the memory leak started happening, at least for me, and I am really considering moving to some other service. I'd say it is expected from one of…
  • Hello, I am encountering this problem with vsserv.exe also. At the moment of writing it is using 2,4GB. I have made a dump file of the process and uploaded it for further analysis. However, the raw dmp file is 2,9GB (compressed it is 505MB though). The compressed file can be downloaded from this link:…
  • Hello, I am encountering this problem with vsserv.exe also. At the moment of writing it is using 2,4GB. I have made a dump file of the process and uploaded it for further analysis. However, the raw dmp file is 2,9GB (compressed it is 505MB though). The compressed file can be downloaded from this link:…
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