Il fatto è che ho già riavviato il computer più volte e nulla è cambiato. Non posso fare l'aggiornamento (anche le impostaioni tipo proxy, ecc... non sono gestibili) così non posso riattivare lo scan in tempo reale. The matter is that I already restarted my computer several times and nothing changed. I cannot update (even…
Hi Marcantonio (are you italian? I am!). My problem is that I cannot perform the "Update Now" 'cause it's greyed out (not available), It tells me that the "Update service ISN'T AVAILABLE" (This is my translation from the Italian message that states "Il servizio aggiornamento di BitDefender NON E' DISPONIBILE"). Ciao, si è…
Please can you tell me something? Should I remove BitDefender from the system and install it again? In this case what would happen to the quarantined file that should, eventually, not have been restored by the patch? I applied the patch but now I cannot update the product. If I go on the Update section the "Update now"…
Also BD virus scan completed: no items. Now it's all right.
Windows 7 x64 BD 2010 Italian version Windows repairs itself restoring qurantine files when reboot...In prompt SFC /SCANNOW is ok. BD patch installed. Performed BD update. Restarted. Quarantine files appear as duplicate (not possible replacing them), so I deleted all them! ........and system seems working right.