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  • Thank you for acknowledging this experience. I have to decide if you are telling the truth or if this process was not a deliberately included one. For the moment, I lean slightly towards the second hypothesis. I will pay attention to your products for the next year to judge if a return would be a good thing, but the…
  • Hi Gjoksi, thanks for clarifying your role and trying to help. It is not my desire to go further with this business or to receive any help. I gave the company the chance to answer me correctly with respect and professionalism. I have now uninstalled their product to turn to a competitor. I'm posting this post to point out…
  • Sorry, but like I said, I contacted you about this behavior and you were in denial. You are now talking about a technical problem. My confidence is affected and since I have another major issue with updating your program, it's just unacceptable for a security company like yours. I can't afford to lose another day of work.
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