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  • May I make one more suggestion? I have been puzzling over the problem, and I for one haven't found a solution (at least on my computer). See everyone's computer is different. And I am not a developer of this product. But the developers of this product themselves could probably help you find a solution better than I could.…
  • Yes. Again, I must apologize for being ambiguous. "Real-Time Security" is my terminology for Bitdefender's Antivirus Shield. Because that is exactly what the shield is. It provides security in "real time" ( thus the term Real-Time Security). Anyways, it might not be enough to just add the iTunes executable to the…
  • Oh, duh. I'm such an idiot. I totally forgot you wrote you have Bitdefender Antivirus Plus, not Bitdefender Internet Security (Bitdefender Plus doesn't ship with a Firewall). All right, then the most likely culprit is the "Real-Time Security". With that being said, I'd try adding iTunes to the Exclusions list under the…
  • Thanks for the reply! However, I can't find the Firewall settings. When I click "Settings", I get five submenus: General, Antivirus, Privacy Control, Update, and Wallet. These have further submenus and options, but nothing called "Firewall". ... and that is, as I just found out, because Antivirus Plus apparently has no…
  • Well, try this. Narrow down exactly what part of Bitdefender is causing the blockage. For example, turn off the Firewall, and see if that allows video streaming to your Apple TV. If it is indeed the Firewall, there are some things you can do. For example, add a rule for iTunes in the Firewall's settings. To do this, open…
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