

  • Aurelian: I tried your suggestions (A & B above). Still got crashes after 5-10 minutes of VPN connection. In addition, I've tried disabling the Firewall completely, and disabled Real-Time Protection completely (which leaves very little point in having BitDefender at all, but what the heck). And I still get blue-screen…
  • Thanks for the response, Aurelian. I sent an email through the website, but didn't see any way of specifically submitting a trouble ticket. I'll try turning off Active Virus Control (that's the one you meant, right?) and see what happens, then follow up with the firewall settings. More info: I had Real Time Protection…
  • Whenever AVC is enabled, Nortel Networks Contivity VPN Client results in blue-screen crash (STOP 0x0000007E) after about 10-12 minutes of connectivity. I just upgraded from BD 2009 to BD 2010 in early Feb., and noticed these crashes soon after. I'm running Windows XP Professional SP3.
  • I just did a complete restore of my system, spending many hours backing up files and settings and reinstalling drivers and software (much still to do). But despite the clean install of Windows XP Pro running only essential programs, BD 2010 still blue screen crashes when I open a VPN connection. Blame falls squarely on BD…
  • Oh, I also tried setting the VPN app as an exception in BitDefender, but that did nothing. Considering issues people have using Cisco VPN & the latest version of BitDefender, I wonder if the latest updates have been tested with VPN connections at all! BTW, my BSoDs began when I recently "upgraded" to BD Internet Security…
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