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  • Hello NickJG, According to this post from Dimman it shows that Bitdefender detects Superfish, I assume that it also applies to BD Antivirus Free. To check download the Bitdefender Adware Removal Tool (which definitely will remove Superfish), if it will not install and tells you that you are already covered then you have…
  • It is often necessary to use special tools to remove the residue from the vendors. McAfee for this utility is located here - This antivirus laptop mode has not. Thank you my good person! I'll run the tool and see how it goes. Also thanks for answering my question…
  • Bitdefender Antivirus Free Edition is very easy even for a laptop. Guess 2 possible causes low scan rate: 1. Since antivirus partly butty, the bad speed or long delays via WiFi can affect the scanning speed. 2. It is possible that remained undeleted modules (especially drivers) from the previous antivirus. Brand new…
  • Oh, and because I forgot to say it in the first post yes the ac adapter was plugged in at the time, the battery was in too.
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