

  • BD did resole my problems satisfactorily. Bravo, and Thanks BD To BHelms: You are perfectly right. BUT.... In my area I CANNOT get DSL !!! BD did send me an installation disc, with one little catch I needed to download 21MBit updates. That is ok, as the updates consist of many small files. Anyhow. all is fine now. My PC…
  • BD did resole my problems satisfactorily. Bravo, and Thanks
  • That was an enlightment!! I posted a reply some other place about my Installation frustrations. All I need is to cancel My online purchase and buy BD 1008 in a shop. Great (unless BD send me a proper hard disk to install from).
  • Yes. I have a worse problem. My connection although 32kbs is not stable and thus I get disconnected very often. I WAS NOT ABLE TO INSTALL BD at all. Starting the installation leads to downloading the huge file bdav.msi . I was never been able to download it without interuption (I probably need 2 hrs of no disconnect). When…
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