

  • I got another portscan from another IP. I'm scared http://cqcounter.com/whois/?query=212.124....ap_geo_location
  • Guess I was wrong. I got another port scan but this time from another IP. This is the trace to the IP http://cqcounter.com/whois/?query=99.161.1...ap_geo_location I seriously have no idea what kind of company that actually is..
  • Actually after checking my program list I noticed software I didn't use for a long time which seems to come from that company. I deleted it so hopefully I won't see those pop-ups again.
  • This is an older topic, but the information in the last post from DanyDan may offer some help: read here. It would also help if you could post the actual ip addresses as this information would help identify the source. Regards, I took a screenshot of the pop-up. The IP is: Even after tracing the IP I don't…
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