

  • You are right to feel the language in the report can be confusing. I found one definition for threat is an indication or warning of probable trouble. So I think the number reported as Infected items detected should be relabeled Threats detected to avoid any confusion.* However, I also found one definition for scan is to…
  • Thanks guys I understand what you are saying. The file that could not be scanned due to password protection was "rapid_upgrade.dll" a file from the Samsung Magican application. My point is that Bitdefender should NOT report "Infected items detected" in the first place at all because of a file that could not be scanned. I…
  • Nothing to worry as long as you find under Scan Results the line stating No infected items have been found. If you look further in the report, you should also find a list of Ignored items with the warning The following files could not be scanned due to insufficient privileges.* The Action for those files should be None…
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