

  • It still says the 2008 version the link ? tried a minute ago And 2 make matters worse bought a 2 Years licemse 10 days ago Hmmmm did u try under the home downloads section...worked for me....and the tuneup internet cleaner works on this version....i bought my copyabout 15 days
  • OK they fixed the link and u can install and upgrade from 08 to 09 but online back up will not be available if u upgrade.
  • I was having exactly this problem of services not responding. I only noticed it today when I tried to scan. I had tried to update but got Callback Abort as well. This with Windows XP SP2 Home Ed. I had contacted BD support who said they would email me about what to do, but they hadn't done that yet. Anyway, just before I…
  • Ok,they have looked over the files and guess what......UNINSTALL AND i did that....5 times no less and each and everytime the antivirus shield doesnt load and is totally unfixable no matter how many reboots or uninstalls you do.....Ive emailed tech support with this again and will let everyone…
  • Support has gotten back to me yet again and at least this time I have some hope that they might fix this problem.Last time they asked me to send certain files,which never did get any solution.This time around they have 2 tools you have to download and run to take logs of ur system config and bitdefenders config in order to…
  • Well so much for things running correctly.I woke up this morning and ran the update and of course as I predicted that damned callback abort error is back once again.So now its time for another email to tech support.Ill keep everyone posted and continue to rag on them until they solve this problem.
  • Ok well so far so good I havent had the error again and I havent used any registry cleaners.The new install I did was off the cd version and I must say it installs alot faster than the download version.
  • Well ok I email support again and got the same answer.They gave me a link to their uninstall tool and told me to do a full reinstall.I did this and SO FAR SO GOOD......but i know it takes a while for this error to come back up as the program updates itself over time.....Ill keep everyone posted if it comes up again.One…
  • Ive had this problem with both ins 08 and now total security 08.The uninstall doesnt fix the problem,neither does trying to repair the program.This is getting annoying and it seems that its an update that causes this problem.When are these guys going to get with it and find a solution?And if it is a damaged registry key…
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